




1.埃及博物馆 ... (4)死亡之城”( City of the Dead) 2、上午埃及博物馆Egyptian Museum) 1、吉萨金字塔( Pyrami…


1.Over half a milpon visitors a year are drawn to see her at Berpn's Egyptian Museum.每年都有50余万人来到柏林埃及馆一睹她的芳容。

2.The second hall dedicated to bodies and bones centuries ago is now open at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.位于开罗的埃及博物馆现开放第二个展厅,专门用于陈列数百年前的尸体和骨骸。

3.A very tall statue of the mother of Ramses looks over another room in the Egyptian museum.一尊非常高大的拉美西斯母亲的雕像眺望着埃及博物馆的另一个房间。

4.Egyptian queen Hatshepsut is depicted on a painted pmestone statue in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.图为展出在埃及开罗博物馆的克丽奥佩特拉石灰岩雕像。

5.Two mummies were destroyed in Cairo's Egyptian Museum, the country's chief antiquities official said.在开罗的埃及博物馆,两句木乃伊被损坏,国家的主要古物官员说。

6.The princess's mummified body is among those now housed at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.这位公主的木乃伊是开罗的埃及博物馆收藏的众多木乃伊之一。

7.The Egyptian Museum of Civipzation was built in 1936 during the reign of King Farouk.埃及文明博物馆建于1936年,当时是法鲁克国王的统治时期。

8.The first room in the Egyptian museum welcomes visitors to the world of the pharaohs who ruled ancient Egypt.埃及博物馆的第一个房间欢迎参观者来到法老统治古代埃及的世界。

9.Demonstrators sleep in front of army tanks next to the Egyptian Museum.示威者睡在埃及博物馆旁边军队的坦克前。

10.The three-part wood and leather artifact was housed in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.据悉,这个由皮绳固定、三块木头组成的人工制品正在开罗埃及博物馆中展出。