


网络释义:高级管理人员工商管理硕士(Executive Master of Business Administration);高级工商管理硕士;高层管理人员工商管理硕士


1.高级管理人员工商管理硕士(Executive Master of Business Administration)高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)考试样题高级管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)考试样题隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 embacent…


3.高层管理人员工商管理硕士2006年完成了高层管理人员工商管理硕士EMBA)医药行业市场营销管理专业课程研修班的学习。2006年10月11日北京计尔 …

4.行政人员工商管理硕士行政人员工商管理硕士(emba)课程(由美国西北大学凯洛格(kellogg)管理学院与香港科大合办):全球第2位(连续四年高踞全球三 …

5.硕士在职专班会计系硕士在职专班(EMBA) 98_01学期演讲资讯内容 会计系在职专班演讲公告 <98/12/10修> EMBA 地点:东海大学第二教学 …

6.行政人员工商管理硕士课程A. 行政人员工商管理硕士课程(EMBA):整个课程学费为港币100,000元﹔ B.理学硕士课程、中医学硕士课程及中药学硕士课程: …


1.But their friendship continued to grow after both decided to attend Wharton's E. M. B. A program.在双方都决定参加沃顿的EMBA课程之后,他们的友情得到了进一步发展。

2.It was Mr Gluckhovskoy who, having decided to embark on an EMBA, persuaded his wife to join him.在这对夫妇中,格卢霍夫斯科夫首先决定学习EMBA课程,他随后说服了妻子和自己一起学习。

3.(It was also great to meet up with fellow blogger Edward Carpenter for a few drinks and hear about his MBA experiences in Shanghai).(另一件开心事是见到了同为《金融时报》博主的爱德华•卡彭特(EdwardCarpenter),并一起喝了几杯,听他讲述在上海读EMBA的经历)。

4.But Mr Hackwood has no doubt of the value of his Bradford EMBA.但是,哈克伍德对自己学位的价值从不怀疑。

5."When people take an EMBA they change, they become a different person. If you think you can keep them in the same job - you can't. "“人们在入读EMBA后会发生改变,会变成另一个人。如果你认为还可以让他们做同样的工作,那你就错了。”

6.For both husband and wife it was the correct moment in terms of their professional maturity to take the EMBA.对于夫妇俩来说,他们的职业成熟程度,学习EMBA正是时候。

7.The rise of the international EMBA has led to a widening gap between the top and bottom programmes in the ranking .跨国EMBA课程的崛起,导致排行榜上排名靠前与靠后课程的差距不断拉大。

8."A large proportion of the reputation of the school comes from the EMBA because students come from such a high level in the company. "“商学院的名气有相当一部分来自EMBA项目,这是因为学员们本身在公司中的级别都非常高。”

9.It was the model that set the trend for EMBA programmes for the next decade.正是这种模式开启了之后10年的EMBA潮流。

10.Supply chain was the topic Mr Wood researched during his EMBA and contributed to his current focus on local supply.供应链是伍德读EMBA时的研究主题,他现在对当地的供应情况十分关注,这一因素也有所帮助。