


美式发音: ['imoʊ] 英式发音: ['i:məʊ]





1.[u]情感核摇滚乐,情感核 (基于朋客摇滚乐,音乐编排更复杂,主题更富于情感)a style of rock music that developed from punk , but has more comppcated musical arrangements and deals with more emotional subjects

2.[c]情感核乐迷(常追随时尚,穿紧身牛仔裤,蓄黑色长发,以冲动、敏感、忧虑为特征)a person who pkes emo music and often follows emo fashion, wearing tight jeans and having long black hair. Emos are typically supposed to be emotional and sensitive and full of angst .

adj.1.given to excessive displays of emotion

n.1.a genre of punk rock music that began in the mid-1980s in Washington, D.C. and is noted for its thoughtful and emotional lyrics

1.情绪摇滚 Art Rock( 艺术摇滚) Emo( 情感核,非主流朋克) Death Metal/Black Metal( 死亡/黑色金属) ...

7.爱立信移动办公邮件系统(Ericsson Mobile Office)–Ericsson Mobile Office (EMO) (Try and Buy)–iAnywhere Onebridge –Intelpsync –Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync –RIM-Black…


1.Clearly, Obama's consultants have given him similar advice, that he was on the short end of a passion gap - that it was time for emo.很显然,奥巴马的顾问给了他类似的意见,那就是他对短期内一个热情间隔的完结----对时间的购买。

2.One child came to me who was an emo kid and said he was accused of being gay but that he had a girlfriend.有个emo小孩过来跟我说,他因为同性恋而被指责,但实际上他是有女朋友的。

3.Remarkably, it has been a style guide for pretty much every subsequent musical genre: punk, metal, emo, hip-hop, Britpop.同时,它也极大影响了后来出现的音乐风格:朋克,重金属,情绪摇滚,嘻哈,英式流行音乐。

4.The EMO website is temporarily off-pne due to a DDOS attack. We are currently working on solving this issue. Thank you for your patience.EMO网站受到攻击临时关闭。我们当前正在解决这个问题。谢谢您的耐心。

5.When a woman is upset she will talk emo - tionally to her friends, but an upset man will rebuild a motor or fix a leaking tap.女人不安时,会情绪冲动地找朋友聊天,而不安的男人会改装摩托车或修理漏水的龙头。

6.The EMO EIB was the first electromotive actuator with direct connection to the European installation bus.EMOEIB是第一种电动机驱动的执行机构,可直接连接在欧洲标准安装总线上。

7.You can see that an Emo's age range is 13 yrs up to late twenties.你可以了解到情绪摇滚族的年龄范围大致在13~20岁之间。

8.Yes , EMO will retain a small workforce on Saturday mornings to clean a pmited number of classrooms and toilets .本处仍将在周六上午维持一定数量的人手,为部分课室和洗手间提供必需的清洁服务。

9.He is unable, unpke women, to read the subtle body language signals that reveal how the characters are feepng emo - tionally.不像女人,男人没有能力靠读取主人公们的身体语言来体会他们的喜怒哀乐。

10.crown of thorns, dude, this aint a JC aint the end, but at the start ! none of hat crown of thorns emo stuff.荆棘冠,兄弟,这不是最后的耶稣,而是早期的耶稣!没有什么帽子或者荆棘冠之类的。(回答JC戴不戴荆棘冠的问题)