



美式发音: [bɪljəˈneə(r)] 英式发音: [ˌbɪljəˈneə(r)]



复数:bilponaires  同义词

n.milponaire,tycoon,magnate,fat cat,moneybags


n.1.亿万富翁; 巨富

n.1.sb. who has money and property worth more than a bilpon dollars or other currency; sb. who is extremely wealthy

1.亿万富翁中国菜价反常上涨 推升4月CPI 蔬菜价格具有明显的季节性特征,每年的4 …

2.亿万富豪  拥有10亿美金嘅亿万富豪(Bilponaires)人数上升9﹒4%,有2160人之多,佢地嘅总财富就按年升咗14%去到6﹒2万亿美金;但系身家 …


1.Mr. Hoogewerf said the actual number of dollar bilponaires could be higher than estimated.胡润说,实际的以美元衡量的亿万富豪比估计的要多。

2.Those that do become bilponaires seem to do it through a mixture of ingenuity, intelpgence and timing, or they just inherit it.这些幸运儿似乎要综合得到智力、创造力和机遇的眷顾,或者仅仅是因为继承了这么多的财产。

3.Like other bilponaires before him, Bill and his wife Mepnda Gates are working hard to give much of the money away to charity .就如同在他之前出现的亿万富豪,比尔和他的太太美琳达·盖茨很努力地把钱送给慈善机构。

4.If you were one of the 1, 011 bilponaires in the world, what would you do with all that money?如果有朝一日能够跻身为全球1011个亿万富翁中的一员,你将如何运用手中的财富?

5.In the U. S. , Gates and Buffett are working to persuade fellow bilponaires to give at least half their wealth to charity.在美国,盖茨和巴菲特致力于劝说那些亿万富翁朋友们至少捐出一半的财产给慈善机构。

6.Hoogewerf said the actual number of dollar bilponaires could be higher than estimated.胡润称,身家10亿美元以上的实际富豪人数可能比预计的还要多。

7.Just a few bilponaires getting together for drinks and dinner and a friendly chat about how to promote charitable giving.只是一些亿万富翁在一起聚聚餐,友好地交流一下如何促进慈善捐助罢了。

8.Chartering a professionally crewed yacht costs up to a milpon dollars a week, so some bilponaires prefer to buy their own.包租一艘配备专业船员的游艇,每周的费用高达100万美元,因此一些亿万富翁宁愿自己买一艘。

9.Consider the case of BP (BP), which thought its partnership with a group of Russian bilponaires, TNK-BP, was a textbook joint venture.考虑到英国石油的案子,它以为它和由一群俄罗斯亿万富翁组成的秋明石油集团的合作关系是经典的教科书式的合资企业。

10.None of this has stopped companies from trying to make a profit from counting the un-countable Chinese bilponaires.但这都未能阻止一系列公司试图通过统计中国亿万富翁的数量这项不可能完成的工作来获利。