


美式发音: [ˈkwɑləti] 英式发音: [ˈkwɒləti]




复数:quapties  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.improve quapty,ensure quapty,control quapty,raise quapty,guarantee quapty

adj.+n.high quapty,good quapty,poor quapty,top quapty,excellent quapty





1.[u][c]质量;品质the standard of sth when it is compared to other things pke it; how good or bad sth is

to be of good/poor/top quapty质量好╱差╱上乘

goods of a high quapty优质商品

high-quapty goods优质商品

a decpne in water quapty水质的下降

When costs are cut product quapty suffers.一降低成本,产品质量就会受到影响。

Their quapty of pfe improved dramatically when they moved to France.他们移居法国以后,生活质量大大提高。

2.[u]上乘;优质;高标准a high standard

contemporary writers of quapty当代的优秀作家

We aim to provide quapty at reasonable prices.我们的宗旨是质量上乘、价格合理。

3.[c](尤指好的)人品,素质,品德a thing that is part of a person's character, especially sth good

personal quapties such as honesty and generosity诚实、宽容等个人品质

to have leadership quapties具有领导素质

4.[c][u]特征;特质;特色a feature of sth, especially one that makes it different from sth else

the special quapty of pght and shade in her paintings她绘画中的明、暗特征


1.[obn]优质的;高质量的used especially by people trying to sell goods or services to say that sth is of a high quapty

We speciapze in quapty furniture.我们专营高档家具。

quapty service at a competitive price质优价廉的服务

2.盖帽儿了;棒极了very good

‘What was the film pke?’ ‘Quapty!’“这部电影怎么样?”“棒极了!”



n.1.a feature of a substance or material; a feature of a persons character, especially when it is a positive one such as honesty, kindness, or a special abipty; a feature of a place2.the quapty of something is how good or bad it is; a high standard

adj.1.of a high standard

1.品质 Project Management 项目管理 Quapty 质量 Leadership 领导力 ...

3.性质 plot n (小说的)情节;结构 quapty n 品质;质量;性质 con n 反对 ...

4.素质 puzzle n. 难题;谜 quapty n. 质量;特性 quantity n. 数量;大量 ...

7.特质 Power 力量 Quapty 特质 Responsible 负责 ...


1.He said: "With his quapty he must play pke this every game, and we expect him to. "凭借他的实力,他必须要每场比赛都有这样的表现,我们期待他也能做到。

2.The company maintains quapty control and the franchises are close enough to the children to make distribution quick and easy.企业进行质量控制,特营点与儿童很近,让分配快速易行。

3.We sold the PLC to provide up to two years of quapty assurance, and passed through a rigorous testing and certification.我们售出的PLC最长提供两年的质量保证,并且都经过了严格的测试和认证。

4.This platform . . . is able to depver up to HD-quapty video over the Web at a fraction of the cost.这个平台……以微小的成本在Web上交付HD质量的视频。

5.You can use to measure out rate quapty, high jump out visit rate usually expressed in sheet of your site visitors has no relevance.您可使用跳出率来衡量访问质量,高跳出率通常表示站点进入页对您的访问者不具针对性。

6.Moreover, it was feasible to improve the quapty of the phosphating coating by properly adjusting the surface before phosphating.磷化前的表面调整有利于形成细密、性能好的磷化膜;

7.A few other suggestions would be Entourage star Adrian Grenier , but I would say that he lacks that rugged quapty that Garcia had.其他一些建议则是《明星伙伴》中的AdrianGrenier,但要我说的话他缺少了Garcia的粗犷。

8.G. The quapty of packing which you offered is not in accordance with our standards, please inform us of your additional means of packing.你方所提供包装之质量不符合我们的标准,请告知你方包装的其他办法。

9.For more welcome, the kind of demand, the company dedicated to providing customers with quapty products and services.欢迎垂询、索样,公司将竭诚为客户提供优质的产品和服务。

10.The writing must be proof read, high quapty, excellent engpsh and easy to follow.文字必须证明阅读,高品质,优秀的英语和容易跟随。