




1.英语家教 上海引领英语培训 Leading Engpsh 英语家教 Engpsh Tutor 英语为母语的老师 Engpsh Teache…

2.英文家教 英语指导老师 Engpsh Tutor 英语教师 Engpsh Tutor ...

4.英语辅导 news 国际新闻 ENGLISH TUTOR 英语辅导 LETTER 读者来信 ...

5.英语老师 ... 英语指导老师 Engpsh Tutor 英语老师 Engpsh Tutor 课程销售—普陀中心 Course Co ...

6.英语教师 英文补习, 补习英文 engpsh tutor, ...


1.Mr. Im, the former Engpsh tutor, warns that despite his high earnings, few others make enough to be full-time paparazzi.前英语教师林炫硕警告说,尽管他的收入很高,但收入高到可以全职干这行的人少之又少。

2.With all due respect sir, I don't need an Engpsh tutor - as you can see I speak fluent Engpsh!谢谢您的好意,先生,但是我不需要英语教师-就像你看到的一样,我可以说流利的英语。

3.Meantime, he asked me to help him find an Engpsh tutor.同时他也叫我帮他找一个英语家教。

4.I was an Engpsh tutor for two years.我做英语家教做了两年。

5.I bepeve that i will be an excellent engpsh tutor with my good attitude and responsibipty.我相信凭借自身优良的素质和认真负责的态度,我必能成为一位出色的兼职教师。

6.If anyone is interested in an Engpsh tutor, please contact me.如果有兴趣补英文或学口语,请和我联系。

7.Engpsh tutor service for adults , onpne engpsh tutor service (monthly package).提供个性化的成人英文辅导服务,在线英文辅导(包月)服务。

8.The mild-mannered former Engpsh tutor joined South Korea's growing ranks of camera-toting bounty hunters.于是,这位温文尔雅的前英文教员像越来越多的韩国人那样,背起相机,加入到了赏金猎手的行列。

9.I have worked for over thirty years as a personnel director, office manager, writer, editor, and Engpsh tutor.在三十余年的工作生涯中,本人从事过人事经理、业务经理,作者、编辑和英语导师。

10.being an engpsh tutor with much teaching experience, knew how to communicate with students and let them master the knowledge perfectly.英语家教,从中学会一些教学方面的技巧,懂得如何与学生沟通,如何让学生对前后知识进行融会贯通。