


美式发音: [məˈloʊn] 英式发音: [məˈləun]





1.马龙 EVANS 埃文斯 MALONE 卡尔 马龙 球迷版复古 Chicago bulls23#Jordan 乔丹 ...

2.马隆 ... 张致恒 steven 马辰龙 MALONE 浩祖 Kojo ...

4.龙剑飞 Mapk 主人;大师 Malone 奉献给圣约翰 Manco 国王 ...

6.马良 于吉: yogurt 马良: Malone 马超: marcel / mature ...

7.邮差马龙的是犹他爵士的助攻王史塔克顿(Stockton)与邮差马龙(Malone),我心中总是期待有人可以创造『打败神的纪录』,可惜天不 …

8.布莱恩·范·霍尔特 Brooke 亚娜·克拉梅尔 Malone 布莱恩·范·霍尔特 Scott Lavin 斯科特·凯恩 ...


1.Malone did not seem prepared to carry on briskly a conversation of this sort; he began to knock the heels of his boots together, and yawn.马龙似乎不准备精神抖擞地将这种交谈继续下去,他开始叩击自己两只靴后跟,打起呵欠来。

2.Malone whirled to see a silhouetted figure standing a hundred feet away, perched where the belvedere met the cemetery wall, rifle in hand.马龙转身看到一个侧影站在几百尺开外,躲在望景塔贴着墓地墙那后边,手里端着来复枪。

3.Said that he made no threats and was only coming to the defense of his wife, and that he told Malone to stay away from his wife.科比说那时候他确实是有点生气,但是他并没有威胁马龙,他只是站出来保护自己的。

4.MALONE LEFT THE HOUSE THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR, MAKING no attempt to hide his departure.马龙从前门离开这房间,没有尝试着要掩藏他的离开。

5.Malone knew that tragedy had been accentuated by the fact that Stephanie and her son had not been close.马龙知道这悲剧由于丝苔妮和她儿子不怎么亲近而变得更严重。

6.I don't compare unfavorably to Chris Paul as a diss on Wilpams, just as I wouldn't be demeaning Carlos Boozer to say he's no Karl Malone.我并没有很不利地将克里斯。保罗与威廉姆斯相比,就像我不会贬低卡洛斯。布泽尔,说他比不上卡尔。马龙。

7.Billy: Coach Malone, I got new Air Jordans yesterday and I said they will make me a better basketball player.可奇马龙,我昨天买了一双空中乔丹的鞋,我说它会让我成为更好的球员。

8.Klaidman: The last time I saw Sharon [Malone, Holder's wife], she had this to say about you . . .上次见到莎伦(马龙,霍尔德的妻子),她说起关于你的事…

9.Malone reapzed that his friend was trying to take control of the conversation.马龙意识到他的朋友试图控制住谈话的方向。

10.Malone was ten and he remembered his mother taking the death hard.马龙当时只有十岁他记得他母亲受到的打击很重。