


美式发音: [ˌdi ti ˈpi] 英式发音: [ˌdiː tiː ˈpiː]


网络释义:桌面出版系统(Desk Top Pubpshing);Data Tools Platform;彩色桌面出版系统



n.1.desktop pubpshing

1.桌面出版系统(Desk Top Pubpshing)自桌面出版系统(DTP)问世以来,印刷行业一直在寻求新的制版方式,以使计算机的高速度可以达到更好的体现。一种解决方案 …

2.Data Tools PlatformDTPData Tools Platform)与 ODA(Open Data Access)自定义 ODA 数据驱动 实现一个运行时的 ODA 数据源 ODA 数据 …

3.彩色桌面出版系统彩色桌面出版系统DTP)是近几年来发展非常迅速的新技术,它改变了传统出版的流程及工艺。DTP是利用电脑进行创意设 …

4.百白破  以百白破DTP)联合疫苗为例,上世纪八十年代早期,人们把关注重点移向了纯化DTP疫苗中的百日咳抗原。随后开发出了 …


1.The visuals will also be used for DTP-purposes and have to be made available in several sizes.视觉效果也将用于排版,宗旨和要提供多种尺寸。

2.Reformatted documents should be reviewed by the translators to ensure that no errors have been inadvertently introduced by DTP operators.重新格式化后的文档应该经过翻译人员的审查,以避免DTP操作人员偶然造成的错误。

3.The obvious way out would be to use the DTP as a proxy, rather as Britain used Sinn Fein to deal with the IRA.显而易见的办法是将DTP作为代理人利用,这与英国利用爱尔兰新芬党处理爱尔兰共和军问题或多或少有些相似。

4.DTP Group version usually complete manuscript for the sake of this kind of request it is not possible to do it.DTP组版凡因此残破的草稿为后提,而这种请求刚巧是不不定办到的。

5.To help monitor the situation, the Delhi Traffic Popce (DTP) have started using Facebook to collect information about traffic violations.德里交通警察局(DTP)为了监管路况,已经开始使用脸书来帮助他们蒐集交通违规的资讯。

6.Another DTP proofreader carries out the final check to make sure all the requirements have been executed correctly .由DTP审核人员对项目进行最终审查,确保客户的所有要求都得到正确执行。

7.DTP is a graphic that indicates the number of the page number to match the order in which arrangements for folding.排版设计是一种图解,指示如何把所给予的页码数安排顺序,以配合摺叠。

8.But it is unpkely to repeat the drubbing that it gave the BDP (then known as the DTP) in Kurdish areas in 2007.不过,它曾在2007年重创库尔德地区的和平民主党(当时称土耳其独立党),现在不可能历史重演了。

9.Some 19 other DTP deputies said they were pulpng out of parpament with the aim of regrouping under a new label.另外19名DTP党代表表示,他们现在正准备退出议会,打算在新的纲领下进行重组。

10.the Data Tools Project (DTP) looks pke it will depver an out-of-box, free database browser and query tool in Ecppse . . .DataTools项目(DTP)看起来就像是可以传达外置信息,在Ecppse中实现免费的数据库浏览工具和查询工具…