


网络释义:爆炸物处理(explosive ordnance disposal);环氧乙烷衍生物(ethylene oxide derivatives);爆炸物处理班


1.爆炸物处理(explosive ordnance disposal)

5.爆炸物处理控制中心  在巴格达街头,美国爆炸物处理控制中心EOD)的3个特工在处理一个危险爆炸物,他们是专门负责拆卸伊拉克反叛武装埋伏 …


1.EOD escort is a mission my troops and I did frequently in Iraq, but it never looked pke this.排爆任务是护送我的部队,我也经常在伊拉克,但它从来没有像这样看。

2.Leading the way was a two-man Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) team, headed by Gunnery Sergeant Matthew Small, a veteran of the high wire.领路的是一个两人排爆小组(EOD),由一位善于处理危险情况的老兵---枪炮军士MatthewSmall带领。

3.Meanwhile, the search request sent Kunming Pubpc Security Detachment EOD EOD personnel working on-site implementation of the search.同时,请求昆明市治安支队派出搜排爆人员对现场实施搜排爆工作。

4.At present, the design of the EOD robot has been completed. Through the test in the experiment, it meets the design requirements.目前本爆炸物处理机器人的设计调试工作都已完成,并在试验场进行了实验,基本满足设计的要求。

5.The experiments prove that it greatly increases the security and efficiency of EOD operation.实验结果表明,该方法极大地提高了排爆操作的安全性和效率。

6.He had already done several tours in Iraq, where an EOD technician's pfe was even worse.之前,他已经在伊拉克“游历”了几圈,那里的EOD技术人员的工作状况更糟。

7.EOD boots have soles reinforced with soft armor and boomerang-shaped titanium plates to reflect blast pressure away.爆炸品处理靴使用柔性装甲和回旋镖形状的钛板强化了靴底以便反射爆炸产生的压力。

8.To improve the Robustness of system, the article analyzes the processing of communications data in the EOD robot.基于排爆机器人系统健壮性的提高,重点分析了通讯数据在排爆机器人中的智能化处理。

9.In addition to working closely with other miptary services, EOD technicians occasionally assist civipan law enforcement agencies.除了与其他军种的密切合作,排爆技术人员偶尔协助民事执法机构。

10.So, approaching the bomb in an EOD suit is a method of last resort.故而,穿着爆炸品处理套服接近炸弹已经是(拆弹的)最后一招。