


美式发音: [ˈisɑp] 英式发音: [ˈi:sɔp]

网络释义:员工持股计划(Employee Stock Ownership Plan);职工持股计划;职工持股(Employee Stock Ownership Plant)



n.1.an investment plan in which employees acquire stock of the company they work for by making tax-deductible contributions.

1.员工持股计划(Employee Stock Ownership Plan)员工持股计划Esop)就是常见的,以鼓励员工长期努力工作为目的长期奖励形式。 - 一般规定,赠送或低价出售给员工的股 …

2.职工持股计划企业职工持股计划(ESOP)或职工持股计划的原因主要有两种:一种是企业经营不景 气,濒临倒闭,通过职工购买本企业部分或 …

3.职工持股(Employee Stock Ownership Plant)其四,有条件的企业可试行企业职工持股ESOP),从而变直接支付年终奖金为向企业职工支付企业股票和债券股息(包括股 …

4.员工股票选择计划(Employee Stock Ownership Plans)其 方式有员工股票选择计划(ESOP)、股票增值权、限定股计划、虚拟股票计划、送、购股计划 和股票期权制等。一个事业单 …


1.Overall, ESOPs seem to improve the performance of firms that have them, which may explain why they are increasingly popular.总的来看,实施ESOP的公司表现得更为出色,这可能解释为什么ESOP越来越为人欢迎。

2.The sense of ownership is so important that many progressive companies have ESOP (Employee Share Option Plans) to reward employees.企业主人翁意识是非常重要的,许多公司都用员工持股方案来奖励员工。

3.Ultimately, the rest of the money will be borrowed by a newly formed ESOP, which will eventually own most of Tribune's equity.最终,剩下的资金缺口将由新成立的ESOP举债填补,ESOP也将占有论坛集团的多数股份。

4.With shares tied up in Savings Plans and the ESOP, where they could not be easily traded, fewer were sold by worried employees.有些非常担忧的少数员工把那些和储蓄计划及ESOP挂钩的难以交易的股份已售出。

5.Not all ESOP will work if the managers do not provide the conditions and tools for employees to excel.如果经理人不为员工提供成长的条件和发挥能力的舞台,不是所有的员工持股方案都行得通。

6.Today's plan is to use ESOPs to achieve narrow financial goals, not to forge an enpghtened bond with workers.现在人们的算盘是用ESOP计划达成狭义的财务目标,而非让雇员们得到启蒙后再与他们建立紧密的劳资关系。

7.The source, content of employee stock ownership plans (ESOP) is introduced and compare it with other ownership systems.简要介绍了员工持股计划的起源、内容,并和其他股权制度做了比较。

8.The following High Performance box illustrates how one company "shares the wealth " through company wide bonuses and ESOP plans.下面的高效益表格显示了一个公司是怎样通过整个公司范围的奖金策略和ESOP计划“共享财富”的。

9.The Revenue Reconcipation Act of 1989 reduced several of the ESOP tax benefits but the programs remain popular nevertheless.1989年的税收调解法废除了一些对ESOP的税收优惠但这一计划仍受欢迎。

10.Theoretically, MEBO is the conjugate of MBO and ESOP , embodies the management's and the employee's status and value.从理论上来讲,MEBO是MBO和ESOP的结合,充分体现了管理层和员工的地位和价值。