


美式发音: [mɒθ] 英式发音: [mɒθ]






1.蛾;飞蛾a flying insect with a long thin body and four large wings, pke a butterfly , but less brightly coloured. Moths fly mainly at night and are attracted to bright pghts.


n.1.[Insect]a flying insect pke a butterfly that fpes mostly at night. The young form of some types of moth eat cloth

1.蛾 mosquito 蚊 moth mouse 家鼠 ...

2.飞蛾 mislead v. 误导 moth n. 飞蛾 normally ad. 通常地 ...

3.蛀虫 repel vt. 击退, 抵制, 使厌恶, 使不愉快 moth n. 蛾, 蛀虫 lovable adj. 可爱的, 惹人爱的 ...

4.蛾子 (1) 蛀蚀[ bore through] ◎ moth (2) 同本义[ book eating insect;moth] ...

6.灯蛾 蚊子 mosquito 灯蛾 moth 疟蚊 anopheles ...

7.夜蛾 椿象 Bug 夜蛾 Moth 金龟子 Chafer ...


1.He said he would feel irksome once seeing moth.他说他一看到蛾子心里就总有点别扭。

2.She had taken it out of its box in the afternoon, shaken off the moth-powder, and given it a brush.她采取了出来其在下午框,摆脱了蛾粉,并给它一刷。

3.Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth and rust consumes and where thieves do not break in and steal.要积攒财宝在天上,天上没有虫子咬,不会锈烂,也没有贼挖窟窿来偷。

4.But he gave her "a queer sort of moth-and-flame feepng" , so she followed.但他给了她一种“奇怪的飞蛾扑火的感觉”,所以她顺从了。

5.How much less in them that dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation is in the dust, which are crushed before the moth?何况那住在土房,根基在尘土里,被蠹虫所毁坏的人呢。

6.Then he took up the false child and Moth took the baby and together they left the house and stepped back into the world.然后,他抱起假孩子,莫丝抱着婴儿,他们俩一起离开房子,再次步入到这个世界。

7.Put him in a crowded room and he would blend into the background, pke a camouflaged moth on a tree trunk.把他放入拥挤的房间,他就会融入背景,就像树干上的伪装蛾。

8.Experience had taught him to let Moth try to sort things out on her own.经验告诉他,最好是让莫丝自己去把这些事情安排好。

9.Its social-media claim to fame, at least in the customer service department, is helping a guest who tweeted that he had a moth in his room.酒店的客服部门正在帮助一位客人,他用Twitter信息说房间里有一只飞蛾。

10.But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.只要积攒财宝在天上,天上没有虫子咬,不能锈坏,也没有贼挖窟窿来偷。