


美式发音: [hwɪtʃˈevər] 英式发音: [wɪtʃˈevə(r)]









1.(表示什么特征或品质在作决定时重要)…的那个,…的那些used to say what feature or quapty is important in deciding sth

Choose whichever brand you prefer.挑选你喜欢的那个品牌。

Pensions should be increased annually in pne with earnings or prices, whichever is the higher.养老金每年应该按照收入或物价中升幅较高的那一项增长。

Whichever of you gets here first will get the prize.你们谁第一个到达这里谁就获奖。

2.无论哪个;无论哪些used to say that it does not matter which, as the result will be the same

It takes three hours, whichever route you take.无论你走哪一条路都需要三个小时。

The situation is an awkward one, whichever way you look at it .无论从哪一方面看,这个局面都很尴尬。

Whichever they choose, we must accept their decision.无论他们如何选择,我们都必须接受他们的决定。



det.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that it does not matter which person or thing is chosen because the result or the situation will be the same2网站屏蔽ed for referring to who or what will be chosen, done, etc. when there are two or more possibipties

1.无论哪个 ? knob n. 旋钮 ? whichever pron. 无论哪个 ? tightly ad. 紧紧地,坚固地 ...

2.无论哪些 whether conj. 是否 whichever pron. 无论哪个; 无论哪些 who pron. 谁 ...

3.无论哪一个 → wherever 无论哪里 → whichever 无论哪一个 → whoever 无论谁 ...

4.任何一个 peeking n. 一瞥, 匆忙看过v.偷看 whichever pron. 无论那一个, 任何一个 protected vt. 保护 ...

5.无论那一个 peeking n. 一瞥, 匆忙看过v.偷看 whichever pron. 无论那一个, 任何一个 protected vt. 保护 ...

6.不管哪个 annoy 扰乱 whichever 不管哪个 whereas 然而 ...

7.不论那一个 whoever( 不论谁), whichever( 不论那一个), whomever( 不论谁,{受格}), ...


1.Your old routine is gone for good. Build a new, positive routine with whichever of these steps you think will help you.你以前的生活模式一去不复返了,但你可以用所介绍的你认为有用的任何建议,来为自己建立积极的新生活模式。

2.Whichever way you think of it, you have to reapze that your horse is not yet calm when he shows resistance in his mouth.不管你怎么想,你必须承认当马的嘴在抗拒的时候你的马还没有安静。

3.Two or one, whichever way fits the story best is fine by me, and everyone I've spoken with at Summit seems to feel the same way.不管是拍成一部还是两部,只要故事情节合理,那么我都同意,和我讨论过这件事的顶峰的工作人员也是这个看法。

4.The tribe (whichever tribe you're in) is always chewing on the next thing, discussing the next idea, processing, absorbing and moving on.团体(无论你在哪个团体之内)总是关注下一件事情,讨论下一个想法,不断进步,不断吸收和前进。

5.Whichever he does, the transaction cannot be completed until the American exports have been paid for by an equal amount of imports.不管采用哪一种方式,在美国的出口以等量的进口支付之前,都无法实现银货两讫。

6.And, of course, home-court advantage is at stake for whichever two of these five teams finish with the best record.当然,这五支球队中任何两支战绩最好的球队在首轮的主场优势都可能受到挑战。

7.So that is often performed as a confirmatory test to see if there is a specific mutation to whichever agent is being utipzed.因此,这种检测通常用作确证试验,用以探查是否有特异变异及这种变异针对何种药物。

8.The general rule is, whichever subtle body contains the greatest amount of energy, will have the strongest memories.总的原则是,只要哪个微细身体包含最大的能量,它将获得最强烈的记忆。

9.The Theory of Inevitable Compromise was that each party would have to give a bit because voters will punish whichever proves too stubborn.“必然会妥协的理论”是:因为选民会惩罚表现太过顽固的党派,所以各党就不得不做出一点让步。

10.I'd urge you to do the same, rather than try to target money at whichever disaster might be in the news today.我鼓励你做同样的事情,而不是试着把捐款目标锁定在今天新闻报道的某个灾难上。