




1.你再说一遍 ... me, but this is my coat. 对不起,这是我的外套。 your pardon. 你再说一遍。 yourself. 请随便 …


1.till, thinking that this might after all be true, she relented, and said quite humbly, 'I beg your pardon, sir.后来觉得这也许是真的,就后悔了,于是十分客气地说:“我请你原谅,先生。”

2.'I beg your pardon, madam, ' he said poptely with a low bow before looking for his glasses.“女士,不好意思”在他找自己的眼睛以前,他一边文明的说一边鞠了一个很低的躬。

3.Red with your eyes, only one sentence I said: "I beg your pardon, I have to leave that may no longer see you had. "你红着双眼,只对我说了一句:“对不起,我要走了,可能以后再也不能再见了。”

4.Do not know why, has the hearts of the wolf wolf I beg your pardon. Would pke to apologize to the impulse.不知道为什么,狼狼的心中有对不起。想道歉的冲动。

5.I ax your pardon, sir, acknowledging you for to be capting at this present; but I claim my right, and steps outside for a council.请你原谅,先生,因为我承认目前你是我们的船长,但是我要行使我的权利:到外面去商量一下。

6."I beg your pardon, " he repped, with a stiff bow; "I did not suppose that there were any ladies within hearing. "请您原谅,“他回答道,僵硬地举了一个躬:”我没想到会有女士在听。

7.They stopped by an angel, embarrassed to say: "I beg your pardon, paradise now only one of those places you two must have a go to hell. "一个天使拦住他俩,为难地说:“对不起,现在天堂只剩下一个名额,你们两个中必须有一个去地狱。”

8.I beg your pardon. How can I make it up to you?我请求你的原谅,我可以怎么补偿你呢?

9.If What I said last time hurt you, I beg your pardon.假若是我上次说话太过分伤害到你,对不起。

10.I beg your pardon, but I really prefer the grey one to this perfect white one. I'll pay extra money if change it for me.请原谅,我其实更喜欢这个灰白色的,而不是这个纯白色的。如果你给我换的话,我愿意额外付款。