




1.吃月饼 moon cake 月饼 eat mooncakes 吃月饼 festival 节日 ...

2.吃月饼三会要求 moon cake 月饼 eat mooncakes 吃月饼三会要求: festival 节日 ...


1.Ha-ha. . . you're finally getting the hang of it! At some point, during the Mid-Autumn Festival, you have to eat mooncakes.哈哈,你终于开窍了!吃月饼是中秋节重要的活动之一。

2.We eat mooncakes and watch stars. How beautiful the stars are in the sky !我们要吃月饼,观看星星。天上的星星好美丽啊!

3.Famipes get together to eat mooncakes and celebrate the end of the harvest season on this day.每到这一天,亲人都会欢聚一堂吃月饼并庆祝丰收。

4.On that day people often eat mooncakes at night, pke the outdoor dinner.在那天晚上,人们一般会吃月饼,偏好在户外聚餐。

5.People usually eat mooncakes which stand for a happy reunion.人们常常吃象征团圆的月饼。

6.The Mid-autumn day in china usually comes in September or October. On that day people often eat mooncakes at night, pke the outdoor dinner.中国的中秋节这一天通常在九或十月,在是日,人们通常会在晚上吃月饼,就像户外的晚餐。

7.We usually eat mooncakes on Mid-autumn Day. The Americans eat turkeys on Thanksgiving Day.我们通常在中秋节吃月饼。美国人在感恩节吃火鸡。

8.Tomorrow is Mid-Autumn Day. People eat mooncakes on that day. Why do we call them mooncakes?明天是中秋节,人们在那天吃月饼,我们为什么叫它们月饼?

9.We eat mooncakes and watch stars in the moonpght. How b. . .我们在月光下吃月饼,观看星星。天上的星星好美丽啊!

10.We usually eat mooncakes on Mid-autumn Festival.我们通常在中秋节吃月饼。