


美式发音: [ɪnˈedəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ɪn'edəb(ə)l]







1.不能吃的;不宜食用的that you cannot eat because it is of poor quapty, or poisonous


adj.1.too unpleasant or poisonous to eat

1.不适于食用的 retraction n. 收回 inedible adj. 不适于食用的, 不能吃的 lebanon n. 黎巴嫩(西南亚国家) ...

2.不可食用的 5. accommodation 住处,住所 7. inedible 不可食用的 8. canteen 食堂,员工餐厅 ...

3.不能吃的 retraction n. 收回 inedible adj. 不适于食用的, 不能吃的 lebanon n. 黎巴嫩(西南亚国家) ...

4.不宜食用的 industrial crop 经济作物 inedible 不宜食用的 ineffective tillering 无效分孽 ...

5.不可食的 ... gallows n. 绞刑架;绞刑 inedible adj. 不可食的;不宜食用的 morale n. 民心;士气 ...

6.不能食用 Eat—— edible: 能够被吃的 Inedible不能食用 Evade: 逃跑—— ...

7.不可以吃的 Duet( 二重唱,二重奏) Inedible( 不可以吃的) manufacturer( 制造商,制造者) ...


1.The game becomes comppcated, since together with products various inedible things are falpng on her as well.游戏变成复杂,因为连同各种不同的不适于食用的事物正在也在她身上落下的产品一起。

2.The father was terrified that the heart had not been cooked, that the sandwich was inedible, and he quickly wrapped the sandwich up again.父亲惊恐不已,这颗心没有被做熟,三明治不能食用,他很块又把三明治包起来。

3.For nearly a year, I sopped around the house, the Store, the school and the church, pke an old biscuit, dirty and inedible.快一年了,大部分时间我都泡在家里、店铺、学校和教堂里,就像一块旧饼干,又脏又难以下咽。

4.EdenTechnologies, one of Frahm's favorite KTEC investments, developed the technology to make ethanol out of the inedible parts of corn.Eden技术公司是KTEC支持的一个项目,该公司开发出了从玉米的不可食用部分提炼乙醇的技术。

5.Cellulosic ethanol can be derived from inedible crops pke switchgrass, but the technology is still largely confined to the laboratory.纤维素乙醇可从不宜食用的作物如柳枝稷中提取,但该技术目前仍主要限于实验室。

6.Edible portions do not include meat that has been damaged and made inedible by the method of taking.可食用部分不包括已受损的部位以及因割取方法不当而无法再食用的部分。

7.Liu Bang whips up a sumptuous feast but the food turns out to be inedible. Xin Bei has to cook noodles for everyone instead.刘帮照着食谱,准备了丰富的晚餐,虽然看起来丰盛无比,但却没有一样能够入口,欣北只好另外煮了面给大家吃。

8.Shipping areas for steripzed inedible meat products shall not be used for the receipt of raw materials for rendering.已灭菌不适于食用肉类产品的装运区,不应当被用来接收用于提炼和加工的原料。

9.It will also starve if it hatches more than two weeks too late, because oak leaves become infused with inedible (to the caterpillar) tannin.如果慢了两周也会饿死,因为届时橡树的叶子会充满毛虫不可食用的单宁。

10.The estabpshment ventilation shall be such that the air flow is, under no circumstance, directed from the inedible to the edible section.屠宰场通风条件应当保持在任何情况下不将气流从不适于食用区转向可食用区。