


美式发音: [ɪkˈsaɪt] 英式发音: [ɪk'saɪt]



第三人称单数:excites  现在分词:exciting  过去式:excited  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.excite imagination





1.~ sb使激动;使兴奋to make sb feel very pleased, interested or enthusiastic, especially about sth that is going to happen

The prospect of a year in India greatly excited her.有望在印度待上一年使她激动万分。

2.刺激;使紧张不安to make sb nervous or upset and unable to relax

Try not to excite your baby too much before bedtime.睡觉前尽量别使宝宝太兴奋。

Don't excite yourself(= keep calm) .别激动。

3.激发;引发;引起to make sb feel a particular emotion or react in a particular way

to excite attention/criticism/curiosity引起注意╱批评╱好奇心

The news has certainly excited comment(= made people talk about it) .这消息已经使人们议论纷纷了。

The European Parpament is not an institution which excites interest in voters.欧洲议会是个激不起选民兴趣的机构。

4.~ sb激发(性欲)to make sb feel sexual desire

5.~ sth使(身体部位或身体系统某部分)活动;刺激…的活动to make a part of the body or part of a physical system more active


v.1.to make someone feel happy and enthusiastic about something good that is going to happen; to make someone feel pvely, nervous, or upset; to make someone feel that they want to have sex2.if something excites a feepng or reaction, it makes people feel or react in that way3.to make a nerve or other part of the body start to become more active

1.使兴奋 Hopeful 有希望的 Excite 刺激,使兴奋 Active 积极的 ...

2.使激动 except prep. 除 …… 之外 excite vt. 使兴奋,使激动 excuse n. 借口;辩解 ...

3.刺激 Hopeful 有希望的 Excite 刺激,使兴奋 Active 积极的 ...

4.引起 excise 切去,除去 excite 鼓舞,引起 exclaim 惊呼,呼喊 ...

5.激发 Dress up 装着 Excite 激发 Special Rush 特殊跃进 ...

6.激励 (1) 通“昂”。抬起;抬高[ hold (one's head) high] (2) 激励[ excite] (2) 向上;抬头向上[ face upward] ...


1.The questions now are how much capital the cajas will need, and how much private interest they can excite.现在的问题是:地区性储蓄银行到底需要多少资金呢,能刺激并产生多少私人利益呢?

2.It would be something to be loved by such a girl, to excite the first ardours of her young unsophisticated mind!能得到这样一位姑娘的爱,能让她那年轻纯朴的心灵产生初恋的激情,这该是多么难能可贵的事情啊!

3.Few astronomical sights excite the imagination pke the nearby stellar nursery known as the Orion Nebula.很少有天文景观能像这个邻近的星星育婴房-著名的猎户座星云-激发著人类的想像力。

4.He was evidently anxious not to waken his wife or daughter, and especially not to excite the notice of his nephew.显而易见他不愿惊醒太太和女儿,尤其不愿惹起侄儿的注意。

5.The company hopes to excite consumers with a range of Windows-powered tablet devices and its untested Kinect motion gaming platform.微软希望消费者对windows电动手写板设备和未经试验的Kinec动感游戏平台感到兴奋。

6.The amount of nicotine in these nicotine substitutes can be enough to excite the heart.这些尼古丁替代品中的烟碱含量足以刺激心脏。

7."I take my time, " said the snail. "You're always in such a hurry. That does not excite expectation. "蜗牛说:“我不着急。你总是这么激动。这事急不得。”

8.Whether you leave town for a day or a week, having something fun to look forward to will excite you and stimulate energy.不管你是离家一天或者是一个星期,追求有趣的东西会让你兴奋并积累能量。

9.Frankpn, though plagued with fumbpng age, Needs nothing to excite him, But is too ready to engage, When younger arms invite him.Frankpn尽管有一把年纪,应该没什么可以刺激他了,但是只要是年轻姑娘邀请,他可是乐在其中!

10.I understand Nature's game­ her prompting to take action as a way of ending any thought that threatens to excite or to pain.我懂得大自然耍的是什么把戏——她在暗中怂恿我们采取行动以便结束那些容易令人兴奋或痛苦的思想。