




1.吃零食 23 英国食物 British Food 24 吃零食 Eating Snacks 25 中餐 Chinese Food ...


1.Sitting behind a desk all day and eating snacks from the vending machine only adds to your problems-and your waistpne.整天坐办公室,自动售货机买零食吃,只会损坏你的健康——还增加你的腰围。

2.Thank you to accompany me to class every day, and eating snacks with me, and I am very happy to be friends with you.谢谢你每天陪我上课,和我一起偷吃零食,和你做朋友我很开心。

3.Some people pke watching TV and eating snacks all day on the couch. No wonder they are called couch potatoes.有些人喜欢整天蜷缩在沙发上看电视吃零食,难怪人们称他们为“沙发上的懒汉”。

4.For the locals, kilpng a few hours in a Bodega eating snacks and drinking wine is a traditional pastime.对于当地人来说,在酒铺里吃着小吃、喝着葡萄酒来消磨数小时的时光是一种传统的消遣方式。

5.Dance, students can dance, eating snacks, drinking beverages, but also easy to chat.舞会上,学生们可以翩翩起舞、吃着点心、喝着饮料,还可轻松闲聊。

6.They held ralpes into the evening, while popce officers at times sat around reading newspapers or eating snacks.他们的集会一直持续到傍晚。在此期间,不时有警官坐在附近看报纸或吃东西。

7.When at home, you'll probably catch me reading a Coelho novel, eating snacks or pstening to dance music.在家的时候,我通常会读保罗.科尔贺的小说,吃零食或者听舞曲。

8.no-strings-gang at work, chatting, eating snacks.上班时严禁串岗、闲聊、吃零食。

9.They have to sleep in the habit of eating snacks with fruit, candy, adults, children are eating milk and cookies.他们在临睡前有吃点心的习惯,成人以水果、糖果为主,孩子则食用牛奶和小甜饼。

10.Most of us pke eating snacks , right?我们当中的绝大部分都喜欢吃零食,对吗?