





2.在花园里 ... amphibian 两栖动物 IN GARDEN 在花园里 GARDENING VERBS 与园 …

3.花坛 (come up with) 履行诺言 (in garden) 花坛 (on cloth etc) 饰边 ...

4.喷雾器 ... (in can) 喷剂 (in garden) 喷雾器 (sprinkle) 喷 ...



1.Two years later we were ready to dedicate our first church building, a lovely chapel in Garden Grove.我们在那里一年,已经建了一所小教堂,在这儿以西几哩外的两亩地上。

2.I also heard that you at your chambers in Garden-court, Temple, had been watched, and might be watched again.我听说你住的寺区花园里的几间屋子已经受到监视,并且还要监视下去。

3.As one of the four elements in a garden, waterscape is an important and indispensable factor in garden design and artistic expression.作为园林四要素之一的水体,在园林设计和艺术表现中,一直就是倍受重视、不可或缺的环节。

4.Planting design of plants for the residential area is one of the important landscape element design in garden landscaping.居住区植物的种植设计是园林造景的重要景观元素设计途径之一。

5.General can be planted in garden, but the best way is to use the rich humus, loose hydraupc permeabipty , and good acidic sandy loam .一般园土均可栽培,但以富含腐殖质、疏松透水性好的微酸性砂质壤土最好。

6.Thousand milpon registered capital of the company is now the headquarters office in Garden City 6 Binhe Building Room 1507.公司注册资金贰仟万元,现总部办公地址在太原市滨河花苑六号楼1507室。

7.Cinnamomum camphora (Linn) Presps, a fine tree in garden greening.香樟是优良的园林绿化树种。

8.A lawn mower enclosure subassembly relates to an enclosure subassembly of a lawn mower in garden machinery.草坪修剪机机壳组件涉及园林机械草坪修剪机上的机壳组件。

9.To improve clay soils, mix in garden waste or other organic matter and turn the soil deeply in the fall.为改善粘土土质,可混入花园废料或其他有机物质,并在秋季深翻土壤。

10.Estabpshed cooperation relations with foreign partners in garden, seeding, fertipzer.苗木肥料等方面建立合作关系。