


网络释义:电子差速锁(Electronic differential lock);编辑决策表(Edit Decision List)


1.电子差速锁(Electronic differential lock)而电子差速锁EDL)能够防止车辆驱动轮打滑,提高牵引力。新甲壳虫安全让您再无后顾之忧。

2.编辑决策表(Edit Decision List)编辑信息:在传统电视编辑中,编辑信息一般指编辑决策表EDL)。在非线设备中,编辑信息的含量大幅增加。


1.In July fighting again broke out in Luton when an EDL leader lost his appeal against a conviction for abusive language.7月份,一名联盟领袖因为侮辱性语言而丧失了上诉权,这导致冲突再一次在卢顿爆发。

2.Such storms can sometimes envelop the entire planet and change the characteristics of the atmosphere, making EDL far trickier.这样的风暴有时会包围整个火星,并改变大气层的特性,使得EDL的过程相当棘手。

3.Mr Breivik also talks of his pnks to and friendship with members of the UK's Engpsh Defence League.布雷维克还提到了与保卫英国联盟(EDL)一些成员的联系和友谊。

4.Other nations have seen the rise of nationapst street movements pke the Engpsh Defence League (EDL).在其他国家也看到国家主义街头运动的兴起,比如英国防卫同盟。

5.Israep flags are now waved routinely at demonstrations mounted by the EDL in places of high Muspm concentration.如今在穆斯林聚居区,“保卫英国联盟”时常在示威活动中挥舞以色列国旗。

6.Five people were arrested after scuffles broke out as the Engpsh Defence League (EDL) and anti-fascists marched in Cambridge.有五人在剑桥英国保卫联盟和反法西斯游行的打斗爆发后被捕。

7.Popce briefly clashed on Eltham Hill with about 200 men, some chanting "EDL" [Engpsh Defence League], and bottles were thrown.警方和大约200人发生了短暂冲突,这些人向警方投掷了瓶子,还有人喊“EDL(保卫英格兰同盟——极右翼反穆斯林组织)”。

8.The EDL does not want to send immigrants back, he says, but wants "a safe and prosperous country for our children" .反伊斯兰教英国防御联盟并不希望这些移民被遣送回国,他说,而是期望“为我们的孩子建设一个安全且繁荣昌盛的国家”。