


美式发音: ['edməntən] 英式发音: ['edməntən]





un.1.capital city of Alberta, Canada, located in the center of the province, on the North Saskatchewan River.

1.埃德蒙顿 Vancouver 温哥华 -16 加拿大 Edmonton 埃德蒙顿 -15 加拿大 Winnipeg 温尼伯 -14 加拿大 ...

7.爱城爱城Edmonton)人引以为豪的北美最大的购物中心。作为对购物好不感冒的男生,只推荐里面的水上乐园,人工海浪和70度 …


1.It is illegal for a man to drink with a woman in an Edmonton beer parlour in Alberta.在加拿大阿尔伯塔省,埃德蒙顿法律规定,禁止男士在啤酒吧与女士一起喝酒。

2.Edmonton Pubpc Schools is a leader in education in Canada, and is one of the largest school jurisdictions in western Canada.埃德蒙顿公立学校是一位领导在教育在加拿大,和是最大的学校司法的当中一个在西加拿大。

3.Cant was born in Edmonton , Alberta and grew up in Bragg Creek , Alberta.斜面生于埃德蒙顿长大布拉格溪,亚伯。

4.With all the inventory to choose from in Edmonton this could be a great summer for buyers!所有库存可供选择,在埃德蒙顿这可能是一个夏天的大买家!

5.Can you help me to take out the amount of money good for one call to Edmonton please?您能帮助我分出供一次电话的钱币吗?

6.One of the very strong programs in Edmonton is Second Language instruction.埃德蒙顿一个非常强大计划是第二语言教学。

7.Each patient was assigned to risk groups in the Edmonton system based on an average of 16 years of medical history.每个病人被分配到风险的基础上平均16年病史的埃德蒙顿系统组。

8.This is a true account of what happened to my husband and myself in February of 2005 while driving from Medicine Hat to Edmonton.这是我和丈夫在05年二月驾车从梅迪辛哈特到埃德蒙顿的途中的真实遭遇。

9.The bus, with 37 passengers and a driver aboard, was travelpng from Edmonton, Alberta, to Winnipeg, Manitoba.车上有37名乘客和一名司机,正从艾尔伯特省的Edmonton开往马尼托巴省的Winnipeg。

10.The Flyers host Buffalo, Los Angeles is at Detroit and the Stars take on Edmonton in Dallas.飞人队主场迎战大水牛队,洛杉矶队在底特律,明星队将在达拉斯同艾德蒙顿队较量。