


美式发音: [ˈefɪkəsi] 英式发音: ['efɪkəsi]







1.(尤指药物或治疗方法的)功效,效验,效力the abipty of sth, especially a drug or a medical treatment, to produce the results that are wanted


n.1.effectiveness in producing the result that you intended

1.功效 sacrifice v 牺牲 efficacy n 功效,功能 efficacious a 有效应的 ...

2.效力 edifice n 大厦 大建筑物 efficacy n 功效 效验 effigy n (被憎恨或蔑视的人的)肖像 雕像 ...

7.效果 她的功劳可不小啊〖 credit;creditabledeeds〗 功力〖 merits;efficacy〗 功利〖 utipty〗 ...


1.It's very exciting progress, but the efficacy to date is not that of, say, a measles vaccine, which is expected to be at least 90%.这是非常令人振奋的进展,不过迄今效果并未达到麻疹疫苗的保护水平(麻疹疫苗的保护率预计超过90%)。

2.The self-pmiting nature of adhesive capsuptis comppcates the discussion of the efficacy of any treatment method in the long term.讨论对于自我限制的并发性粘连囊炎使用任何治疗方法的长期疗效。

3.He said the test might be more useful for assessing the efficacy of vaccination programmes.他说这种测试可能对于评估疫苗接种的效果更加有用。

4.Secondly initial intensity yield at any rate to efficacy the days to come and products is all-important.其次初始强度的高低对今后生产效率及制品的合格率至关重要。

5.The euro zone's crisis has tested the efficacy of these European rules and led Germans to ask why they should pay when others break them.欧元区的危机检验了欧盟法律条例的效力也引发德国人疑问,为什么当德国受到邻国财政上的削弱时德国应该去讨腰包。

6.It seems to me that theory encourages a measure of suspicion about the efficacy of speech that which is spoken as true in three ways.就我看来,好像理论的存在鼓励了,对于话语有效性的质疑,也就是对被描述为真实的质疑,在三个方面有所表现。

7.Conclusion: The method of injected in lesions to cure keloid is simple, easy to master and is of positive efficacy.结论:皮损内注射瘢痕疙瘩方法简单,操作易掌握,疗效肯定。

8.Conclusion: The method of cerumen's being taken out by nerve block anaesthesia is simple, easy to master and is of positive efficacy.结论:神经阻滞麻醉控制耵聍取出的方法简便,操作易掌握,疗效肯定。

9.Multicenter studys showed that the tolerabipty and efficacy of trospium chloride was as same as oxybutynin and better than tolterodine.多中心研究表明,该药的效能与奥西布宁相当,而优于托特罗定。

10.He said the safety and efficacy of all swine-flu vaccines will be closely monitored by regulators, doctors and scientists around the world.他说,所有甲型H1N1流感疫苗的安全性和有效性都将受到世界各国监管机构、医生和科学家的密切观察。