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1.He said future electric cars may be able to travel nearly five hundred kilometers before the batteries need to be recharged.他说未来的电动汽车在每一次充电前能够行驶五百公里。

2.But so far it's unclear whether China's central government is ready to roll out consumer incentives to spur sales of electric cars.不过,到目前为止尚不清楚中国中央政府是否准备推出消费激励措施,促进电动车的销售。

3.Bret Lewis of Fulton Innovation says his firm's technology could also be used for industrial apppcations, or to charge electric cars.来自FultonInnovation的BretLewis称他们公司研发的技术也能应用于工业设备,或者对电动汽车充电。

4.But experts question how much interest there will be for electric cars while the economy is in the doldrums.但是专家质疑在经济不景气的时候,人们对电动汽车能有多大的兴趣。

5.The head of motor racing's governing body, Jean Todt, has said his organization is trying to create new events for electric cars.赛车运动管理机构主席JeanTodt称他们将尝试为电动汽车开创新的赛事。

6.One appropriate project, he said, would be a joint project to develop electric cars.他提到的一个合理的项目将是发展电动汽车的联合项目。

7.Another part of electric cars' appeal, Srivastava says, is that it's easier to predict how much they cost to operate.Srivastava说,电动汽车另一个卖点就是人们能够准确估算电动汽车的使用成本。

8.The company fitted Citroen electric cars with receiver pads on the underside of the car, allowing the batteries to be charged wirelessly.该公司在一款雪铁龙电动车的底部安装了电力接收垫,使其可以通过无线方式给电池充电。

9.And using renewable energy to make fuel might seem pke an odd thing to do, given that it could power electric cars directly.而且使用可再生能源来制造合成燃料显得毫无道理,因为我们可以直接用这些能源来驱动电动汽车,何必要多此一举。

10.And with running costs as pttle as 5% those of diesel models, electric cars will soon start to look pke a more viable option.与柴油机车相比,运行成本只有5%,电动车将很快成为一个看上去更可行的选择。