



美式发音: [ˈdʒæɡˌwɑr] 英式发音: [ˈdʒæɡjuə(r)]






n.1.a large wild cat with yellow fur and black spots that pves mainly in the western U.S. and in Central and South America

1.美洲虎队 Cowboys 牛仔球迷 Jaguars 美洲虎球迷 Packers 包装工球迷 ...

4.杰克逊市美洲虎杨恩(Vince Young)自2008球季开幕战起首次担任田纳西泰坦(Titans)先发,以30-13击败杰克逊市美洲虎Jaguars),拿 …

5.积逊维金钱豹  当前积逊维金钱豹Jaguars)正值大幅翻新队伍之际,而昨日他们更雇用了前西雅图海鹰队(Seahawks)防守协调员布莱利(…


1.One pair of jaguars even shows some very rarely seen mating behavior, so the smell seems to turn these animals on.一对美洲虎在闻到这种气味后,甚至表现出罕见的求偶行为,可见如此气息彻底激活了这些动物。

2.And over the last decade, I traveled to over 40 countries to see jaguars and bears and elephants and tigers and rhinos.过去十年中,我已到过40多个国家,亲睹美洲豹、熊、大象、老虎和犀牛。

3.The Sharks disagreed with the Wolves about leaving the Inner Sphere alone and definitely did not want the Smoke Jaguars leading the attack.钻石鲨不同意狼族不理会内天体的做法,也明确不希望烟虎领导进攻。

4.All of these moves will pkely push up the cost of subsequent Jaguars.以上这些举措都很可能会抬升今后捷豹车的成本。

5.Jaguars, they say, are nothing but cattle killers, dog killers.他们说,美洲豹不过是牛犊杀手、狗的杀手,除此以外什么都不是。

6.Anacondas eat virtually anything unfortunate enough to get caught in their grip, including other snakes, fish, deer, and even small jaguars.事实上水蟒会吃掉任何足够倒霉的被它逮到的猎物。包括其他的蛇类,鱼,鹿子,甚至是小型的美洲虎。

7.However, strong overseas demand for Jaguars, Range Rovers and Land Rovers has made the company one of Britain's most important exporters.不过,海外对美洲豹、揽胜和路虎的强劲的需求让该公司成为英国最重要的出口商。

8.Robinson said, "Without a recovery plan and protected habitat, American jaguars just don't stand a chance. "罗宾森表示,「如果没有复育计画以及可供保护的栖地,美国美洲豹几乎没有生存的机会。」

9.Before then the firm had been on a roll, with Land Rover sales breaking records and Jaguars doing well after years in the doldrums.在此之前,该公司的生意一直如火如荼,陆虎的销售破了记录,捷豹也在多年沉寂后发威。

10.People are working three days a week just to pay their taxes so the government can keep producing more Jaguars.这时人们一周工作三天只为了能交税,以便政府可以继续生产更多的捷豹。