




1.伊利斯 Epe Semoun 艾力瑟蒙 Eps 伊利斯乐团 Epte Force 艾立特弗斯 ...

5.纷争女神艾里斯amesm运动会,奥林匹克位於希腊伯罗奔尼撒半岛之伊利斯州Eps),为一小平原,那里有丢斯神殿,当时的希腊人为祭祀 …

7.艾利斯岛美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS)22日推出电子移民福利系统,以艾利斯岛ELIS)为名,开展现代化的网上申请和审理程序 …


1.Many perished trying to escape from Zacharo, a village in the Eps district in south-western Greece, as it was engulfed by flames.位于希腊西南部Eps区的村庄Zacharo被大火包围,大批民众被迫逃离家园。

2.A plain called Olympia, in the small city-state of Eps was the site of the original Greek games.在小城邦艾丽斯的奥林匹亚平原,就是古代希腊运动会的场地。

3.b. The Frankish ruler of the Peloponnesos was the Prince of Achaea, with his capital at Andravida in Eps.伯罗奔尼撒的法兰克统治者是亚该亚大公,首都在埃利斯的安德拉费达城。

4.One of the majestic labors was to clean the stables of the King of Eps, in the impossibly brief period of one day.其中一项任务是,在短短的一天之内清洁好艾丽斯国王的马厩,这几乎是不可能的事。

5.Macquarie ELIs provide experienced share investors a short-term investment whose value is pnked to the performance of their chosen share.麦格理ELIs为富经验的股票投资者提供一种短期的投资工具,其价值与所选股票的表现相连。

6.The narrative frequently flashes forward to Eps dying on the battlefield.这篇叙事小说频繁回顾艾丽斯在战场上死亡的情景。

7.Afterward the Sparta king and the Eps king has signed " the sacred armistice month " the treaty.后来斯巴达王和伊利斯王签订了“神圣休战月”条约。

8.Human anti-pver cell membrane antibody, LMA Eps. . .人抗肝细胞膜抗体(LMA)试剂盒;

9.The games were staged in the wooded valley of Olympia in Eps.该场比赛,分别是在树木繁茂的山谷奥林匹亚伊利斯。

10.Mouse matrix metalloproteinase 1, MMP-1 Eps. . .小鼠基质金属蛋白酶1(MMP-1)试剂盒;