




1.瑟利夫 ... 谢瑞琳·麦考伊 / Sherilyn McCoy 埃伦·约翰逊-瑟利夫 / Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf 塔里娅·哈洛宁 / Tarja Halonen ...

3.赖比瑞亚总统瑟利夫 赖比瑞亚总统:艾伦瑟莉夫( Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf) 纽西兰总理:海伦克拉克( Helen Clar…

5.女总统瑟利夫今届和平奖得主,分别是利比里亚首位民选女总统瑟利夫Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf)、利比里亚女权斗士格鲍伊( Leymah Gbo…

6.希尔丽夫爱伦‧约翰森‧希尔丽夫Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf,)出生於1938年10月29日,是一名利比理亚政治家。她是利比理亚联盟党(Unit…


1.Liberia's president, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, portrayed her country as a sick child in need of her care during her campaign five years ago.在五年前的竞选活动中,利比里亚总统埃伦·约翰逊·瑟利夫将其国家描绘成一个需要照顾的病童。

2.runs one election poster on the main drag in Monrovia promoting president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf's election for a second term.在首都帮助总统艾伦连任的一个主街道的宣传海报这样写到。

3.Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf was a 62 year old grandmother who had been thrown in prison by the country's dictators simply for demanding democracy.埃伦•约翰逊-瑟利夫是一位62岁的祖母,她多次被利比里亚的独裁者扔进监狱,就因为她要求民主。

4.In Liberia's presidential run-off Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the incumbent, was poised to be declared the winner.在利比亚总统选举的最后一役中,现任领导人约翰逊已摆好姿势,准备迎接胜利。

5.The rising price of commodities, including rice, has put off some of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf's supporters in the capital.包括大米在内的各类商品价格不断上涨,首都地区总统埃伦•约翰逊•瑟利夫的支持者们因而觉得意兴阑珊。

6.On Tuesday, Secretary of State Hillary Cpnton discussed that support with Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿在周二讨论了对于利比里亚总统埃伦·约翰逊·瑟利夫的支持。

7.When Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf became president of Liberia in 2006, the country was ravaged by 15 years of civil war.2006年,当埃伦•约翰逊-瑟利夫(EllenJohnson-Sirleaf)当选利比里亚总统时,该国刚刚经受了15年内战的蹂躏。

8.Mr Taylor tried to manipulate a presidential election in 2005, but voters chose the Harvard-educated Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf.泰勒先生试图在2005年的大选中进行幕后操纵,但是投票人却选择了哈佛大学出身的埃伦•约翰逊•瑟利夫(EllenJohnson-Sirleaf)。

9.WHEN Ellen Johnson Sirleaf was elected president of Liberia in 2005, she promised to step down as head of state after one six-year term.艾伦•约翰逊•瑟利夫在2005年当选利比里亚总统时曾许诺,当完成一个六年任期后,她将从领导人的职位上退下。

10.On January 15, 2006, Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing met with Liberian President-elect Madam Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf in Monrovia.2006年1月15日,外交部长李肇星在蒙罗维亚会见了利比里亚当选总统瑟利夫女士。