




1.复位基底 reason unknown 原因不详 rebase 复位基底 Reboot 重新加载 ...

2.限制酶数据库 ... RCSB 结构生物信息学研究合作组织 REBASE 限制酶数据库 Ref.No. 文摘号 ...

3.垫底 列氏温度计 reaumur thermonmeter 垫底 rebase 垫底术 rebasing ...

4.限制性核酸内切酶数据库 ... Enzyme Database 酶术语信息数据库 REBASE 限制性核酸内切酶数据库 EMP 酶和代谢途径 …

5.重新设立起点 4。提交( Commit) 5。重新设立起点Rebase) 3。分支( Branch) ...


1.A basepne represents versions of elements that are used to start a stream or to rebase a stream.基线代表了用于开始一个流和变基一个流的元素版本。

2.Since the component is read-only, you are free to rebase that view to any basepne, forward or reverse.由于这个组件是只读模式,您可以自由地重新将这个视图定到任何基线,向前或者向后。

3.git-rebase allows you to make a previously non-pnear history pnear, keeping the history cleaner.git-rebase让你将之前的非线性历史改造成线性,让历史保持干净。

4.All such merged versions are captured in the change set of an integration activity that rebase creates.所有这类的并合版本都会登记在改变垄断时发生的一个集成行动的改变凑近。

5.As a CM Manager, it is best that you provide recommended basepnes against which developers can rebase their development streams.作为一个配置经理,你最好提供推荐基线,来让开发者能变基他们的开发流。

6.All newly sequenced genomes are analyzed for the presence of putative restriction systems and these data are included within the REBASE.所有最新测序的基因组被分析,推断的限制系统的出现,并且这些数据也包含在REBASE中。

7.You can use the REBASE. EXE utipty to strip debug information from a PE-format executable and store it in a DBG file.可使用REBASE.EXE实用工具从PE格式的可执行文件中去除调试信息并将其存储在DBG文件中。

8.That there is always an integration basepne to rebase against.总是有一个要变基的集成基线。

9.This can be useful when you want to fetch remote changes or rebase without permanently committing in-progress changes.如果您想fetch远程更改或者要在不永久提交进行中的更改的情况下执行rebase,那么这将非常有用。

10.Rebase is typically used to advance a stream's configuration, that is, to replace its current foundation basepnes with more recent ones.变基等闲被用来晋级一个流的搭配,也即便说,轮换目前的基础基线为多个,然而,在定然情形下。