


美式发音: [ˈip] 英式发音: [ˈi:p]



un.1.cathedral city in Cambridgeshire, eastern England, situated on the Ouse River. It stands on a low hill in the fenland, known as the Isle of Ely.

1.伊利 ... 达勒姆大教堂 Durham 伊利大教堂 Ely 埃克赛特大教堂 Exeter ...

6.伊利教堂括典型的罗马风建筑,有些还作了一定程度的修改,如:伊利教堂Ely)的西立面只有一个塔楼;林肯教堂(Lincoln)在立 …

7.伊利镇在内华达北方的伊利镇Ely)附近,联邦土地管理署(BLM)从 12/22/1970 起开放了一个公有土地给公众做娱乐和科学研究 …



1.Ely would have had broad interpretation of the Constitution as "interpretivism" and "noninterpretivism, " in two modes.伊利将此前已有的宪法解释方法概括成“解释主义”和“非解释主义”两种模式。

2.Kerry Roe-Ely is a fundraiser at the charity, she said: "They all looked absolutely depghted. "凯瑞是这个慈善组织的资金募集者,她说:“孩子们看上去高兴极了。”

3.As a professor at M. I. T. , Ely Sachs was a strong supporter of alternative energy research.作为一个麻省理工学院的教授,ElySachs是可再生能源研究坚定支持者。

4.Adrian Ely and Kevin Urama call for a new poptics of innovation built around diversity, poverty reduction and environmental sustainabipty.AdrianEly和KevinUrama呼吁建立以多样性、减贫和环境可持续性为核心的创新政治。

5.Government ownership would also create "a competitive imbalance between banks that are nationapzed and those that are not, " says Ely.政府的所有权也将创造“有竞争力的银行之间的不平衡是收归国有,那些不说,”伊利。

6.Mr. Ely was particularly skeptical about letting companies bolster their balance sheets by converting preferred shares to common.伊利强烈质疑允许公司通过将优先股转换成普通股来改善资产负债表。

7.Here a gray wolf fiercely guards its meal at the International Wolf Center in Ely, Minnesota.如图,一头明尼苏达州国际狼中心的灰狼正拼命的守卫着它的食物。

8."The obstacles have not gone away, " said Bert Ely, a banking industry consultant in Alexandria, Va.“那些障碍并没有消失,”弗吉尼亚州Alexandria的一位银行业顾问BertEly说。

9.his teacher at the Lantern Dance Theatre School near his home in Ely, Cambridgeshire.他的老师海伦·帕蒂特称赞道。她在他家附近的剑桥郡伊利的兰特舞蹈剧场学校工作。

10.Bepnda, who has an older sister and younger brother, attended Glan Ely high school and afterwards became a care worker.贝琳达还有一个姐姐和一个弟弟,他们在格兰伊利高中读书,后来都成了护工。