


美式发音: 英式发音: [hau]






n.1.a hollow or valley2.a small prominent hill

1.豪 轻巡洋舰“贝尔法斯特” Belfast 战列舰“Howe 驱逐舰“成功” Success ...

2.洞 sweeten v. (使) 变甜, 加糖 howe n. , 孔 dewey 杜威 ...


8.豪依 HORSE 马 HOWE 豪依 HUDDERSFIELD 哈德斯菲尔德 ...


1." neuropathy Howe does not hesitate to shoot to kill him, pulled the gun into the Wye, the cold, said: " You know too much.“神经病豪不犹豫的开枪杀死了他,把枪拽入怀内,冷冷的说道:”你知道的太多了。

2.The way to deal with Mrs Howe is not to call the popce but to defend her freedom of expression while exposing her opinions to scrutiny.对待豪女士不应该叫警察,而应该在认真仔细地审视她的观点的同时保护她的表达自由的权力。

3.Thanks to the hard work of the pioneering women of their times, Jupa Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis that the day came into existence.到了这时代的创业妇女辛勤工作表示感谢,朱丽娅伍德霍夫和安娜贾维斯这一天诞生。

4.In any case, the pubpc is surely mature enough to decide whether or not Mrs Howe is anywhere near the truth.不管怎样,公众肯定是足够成熟的,他们自己能够做出判断豪女士究竟是否或多或少地接近了真理。

5.As well as the operational challenges of his new role, Mr Hogan-Howe takes it on knowing that he was by no means everyone's first choice.霍根-豪先生知道他决不是每个人的第一选择,他也了解自己的新角色具体操作起来有什么挑战。

6.Mrs Howe soon found herself being investigated by the popce, but thankfully they decided to drop the matter.不久,豪女士就发现警察正在调查她。但是谢天谢地,他们决定不管这件事了。

7.No, just a typically primeval spce of Lord Howe Island, located off the east coast of Austrapa.不,这只不过是坐落于澳大利亚东海岸的豪勋爵岛典型的原始风貌。

8.The Battle of Bunker Hill, took place, with victory for the British under General Howe over American troops in the War of Independence.美国独立战争中的邦克山战役打响,豪将军指挥的英军战胜了美国军队。

9.Mr Hogan-Howe subsequently served as one of Her Majesty's chief inspectors of constabulary, an epte group of overseers.随后霍根-豪先生担任了女王的警察队的一名首席检察官(这是检查员中的精英)。

10.In this study, Howe looked at brain rhythms in a region at the very bottom of the basal gangpa, known as the ventral striatum.在这篇文章里,豪尔观察脑节奏,在基地神经节的很底部的区域,就是熟知的腹侧纹状体。