



1.It had to be cleared for travel by the Dubai Police Authorities, the Dubai International Airport, and the Emirates' safety team.迪拜警察当局,迪拜国际机场,以及阿联酋航空安全组悉数出动,为其开道。

2.Originally from Ireland, Niall taught for a year in the United Arab Emirates before coming to China.我来自爱尔兰。来中国之前,我有一年在阿联酋执教的经历。

3.It was good enough to beat out all the competitors mentioned above in a recent bidding process in the United Arab Emirates.这已足够打败所有在阿拉伯联合酋长国最近投标过程的上述竞争对手。

4.What creditors do not yet know, however, is whether the United Arab Emirates is capable of a co-ordinated response to Dubai's debt woes.然而,债权人尚不清楚的是,阿联酋能否对迪拜债务危机做出协调反应。

5.Andrew Parker, Emirates senior vice-president, said he was unaware of any other airlines that had been asked to raise prices.阿联酋航空高级副总裁安德鲁-帕克(AndrewParker)表示,他不知道还有任何其它航空公司收到了提高票价的要求。

6.So what are the benefits of heading out on loan rather than waiting for a first-team chance at Emirates Stadium?那么将这些小将租借出去而非留在队中苦等一队出场机会究竟有何益处呢?

7.Emirates is often accused by envious Europeans of growing thanks to state subsidies.阿联酋航空公司经常被眼红的欧洲人指责它们的发展多亏了国家补贴。

8.Under United Arab Emirates law, none of those luxury villas in Dubai can be seized until criminal prosecutions are seen to have begun.在阿拉伯联合酋长国法律制度之下,除非走到了刑事诉讼这一步,否则没有一栋迪拜豪华别墅会被收缴。

9.We have been at Emirates Stadium for a year now and go from strength to strength off the pitch.我们现在已经在埃米尔球场有一年时间了,在球场也表现得越来越强大。

10.On his future away from the Emirates though the play-maker observed he had not made a decision as he drew the line on Barcelona talk.关于他是否在未来离开酋长球场,尽管这名创造型中场说他还没有做出最后的决定,但是他与巴塞罗那方面的谈论划清了界限。