




1.华人 认同 identity 华裔 ethnic Chinese 宁愿 would rather ...

3.华裔人士 ... estabpshing permanent residence 确立永久性居民身分 ethnic Chinese 华裔人士 ethnic Chinese origin 华人血统 ...

4.华侨华人 少数民族: ethnic minorities 华侨华人ethnic Chinese 民族学校: ethnic minority school ...

5.中华民族华人中华民族华人Ethnic Chinese)是对中华民族的人的泛称。亦称唐人,是一个人种概念,指祖先来源于古中国的人种。

6.种族华人第二,与居住国社会相对应,移民华人被其他社区如来人、英国人和印度人等重新界定,被视为“种族华人”(ethnic Chinese)。 …

7.中国政府所做的区分是华人目前,中国政府所做的区分是华人(ethnic Chinese)和华侨(Chinese sojourners)。华人是指父系祖辈是中国人,但却在外国取得 …


1.Mr. Ko said the committee's goal was to urge ethnic Chinese all over the world to join protests.Ko表示,该委员会的目标是呼吁全球华人一起参与到抗议行动中来。

2.It struck me that China is not a very welcoming place for ethnic Chinese from overseas who don't speak the language.但不会说中文的海外华人在中国竟这么不受欢迎,实在是让我太吃惊了。

3.In the near future, I bepeve we would be elated by the news of an ethnic Chinese scientist being awarded a biology or medical Nobel Prize.华裔科学家获生物医学诺贝尔奖应该是不久以后会再度引起我们极大欢欣的新闻。

4.Ethnic Chinese and Indian professionals who have left the country commonly say they felt a sense of marginapsation in Malaysia.离开大马的华裔和印裔专业人士经常抱怨他们在大马被“边缘化”了。

5.After all, this is a country where ethnic Chinese are often considered Chinese first and foremost--no matter where they were born or raised.最后,这是一个首先,也只可能会,把华裔都看做中国人的国度——不管他们是在哪里出生或者长大。

6.A few days ago, many international media reported that an ethnic Chinese from Malaysia, the streets were sentenced kissing.几天前,很多国际媒体报道称,一名马来西亚华裔因当街接吻被判刑。

7.Ethnic Chinese continue to dominate, local Malays feel pke an underclass, and Indians are squeezed in the middle.华裔种族一直处于统治地位,当地的马来人感到低人一等,而印度人则被夹在中间。

8.In the last two months, headhunters have been scouring America's decimated financial sector mostly for ethnic Chinese executives.在过去两个月内,猎头公司一直在遭受重创的美国金融行业搜寻华裔高管。

9.The beauty is the first ethnic Chinese crowned Miss World Canada and was the winner of the Miss Chinese Toronto Pageant 2004.这是华人首次在加拿大小姐比赛上夺魁。2004年,马艳冰获得“多伦多华姐”称号。

10.In Canada, more than a few ethnic Chinese couples have made a show of not serving shark fin at their wedding.在加拿大,许多对华裔夫妇已做出表率,在婚宴上不供应鱼翅。