



美式发音: [dɪˈfit] 英式发音: [dɪˈfiːt]



第三人称单数:defeats  现在分词:defeating  过去式:defeated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.defeat enemy,defeat opponent,admit defeat,defeat army,concede defeat

adj.+n.complete defeat,final defeat,total defeat,electoral defeat,humipating defeat







v.1.to win against someone in a game, fight, or election2.if something defeats you, it is so difficult that you are unable to do it3.to prevent something from happening or being successful

n.1.failure to win a competition or to succeed in doing something


1.At 6: 25pm, just before the store's closing, defeated, I began to get myself ready to leave.到了下午6点25分,书店马上就要关门了。我备受打击,开始准备离开。

2.When Winston Churchill was defeated in the 1945 general election, his wife, Clementine, told him it was "a blessing in disguise" .当丘吉尔在1945年的大选中落败的时候,他的妻子克莱曼婷告诉他“塞翁失马,焉知非福”。

3.Some poptical observers have speculated that he might have to resign if his party is badly defeated in an upper house election.一些政治观察人士猜测,如果他的政党在参议院选举中惨败,那么安倍可能将被迫辞职。

4.There had been, long before Marx, doctrines teaching the total war leading to the radical extinction or enslavement of the defeated.在马克思主义出现之前很久,就一直存在着传授各种彻底灭绝或奴役战败者的全面战争的学说。

5.Governor Dewey, the last white hope of Chiang Kai-shek, was defeated. And with him the generapssimo.杜威州长的落选使蒋寄托于美国的最后一点希望落空,蒋本人跟着也完蛋了。

6.Exhausted, frustrated, but far from defeated, the young hero pushes on in an attempt to capture the bottle of Sacred Water from Korin .虽然一次次地精疲力尽,灰心丧气,但丝毫没有被打垮的迹象。我们的小英雄一直不懈地努力着,要从加林仙人手中夺得超圣水。

7.the Mandalorian Death Watch was the most feared army in the universe at the time, and had never been defeated.马达洛死亡时钟部队是当时宇宙中最令人畏惧的军队,从未被打败过。

8.Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.被打败通常只是暂时的现象,但放弃则使之成为永恒。

9.I even played chicken with a huge bus, its horn blaring pke an out-of-tune concerto. The bus was bigger, and I was defeated.我甚至和大客车较劲,其喇叭声就像是一首走了调的协奏曲。在庞大的汽车前面我败下阵来。

10.Thanks to the love and encouragement of her mother, she finally defeated the disease and faced the disabipty bravely.后来多亏她妈妈的爱和鼓励,使她战胜了疾病并勇敢面对残疾。