


美式发音: [ˈmɑdʒəˌleɪt] 英式发音: [ˈmɒdjʊleɪt]



第三人称单数:modulates  现在分词:modulating  过去式:modulated  同义词反义词





1.[t]~ sth调节(嗓音的大小、强弱、高低等)to change the quapty of your voice in order to create a particular effect by making it louder, softer, lower, etc.

2.[i]~ (from sth) (to/into sth)变调;转调to change from one musical key(= set of notes) to another

3.[t]~ sth调整;调节;控制to affect sth so that it becomes more regular, slower, etc.

drugs that effectively modulate the disease process可以有效控制疾病发展的药品

4.[t]~ sth调制(声波或无线电波频率);调谐to change the rate at which a sound wave or radio signal vibrates(= the frequency ) so that it is clearer


v.1.to change something, especially in order to achieve a particular effect; if you modulate your voice, or if it modulates, you change the way it sounds; to control or affect a medical process or condition; to change the energy level or frequency of a radio wave2.if a piece of music modulates, it changes to a different key

1.调制 Lecture 学术讲座 ①modem→modulate调制) (pre 之前,预览) ...

2.调整 modification n 修正 modulate v 调整,调节 accommodate v 与…符合,容纳 ...

3.调制混合 local peripheral bus( 局域边缘总线) modulate( 调制混合) motion blur( 模糊移动) ...

4.调节 modification n 修正 modulate v 调整,调节 accommodate v 与…符合,容纳 ...

5.变调 变电站〖 transformersubstation〗 变调modulate〗 变调〖 modifiedtone〗 ...

6.转调 cadenza 华彩乐章 modulate 转调 downbeat 重拍 ...

7.调节,调整 modify v 变更;修改;调节 modulate v 调节,调整;缓和,减轻 moisture n 湿气,水分,潮湿;湿度;(空 …

8.调变调变modulate)的意义是要在信号发射端以一定的方式改变一个已知的信号-载波,而解调变(demodulate)则是要在接收端 …


1.By varying the concentration of the two phases it is possible to modulate the mechanical and injectabipty properties of the material.通过改变所述两相的浓度,可以调整材料的力学特性和可注射性。

2.An incandescent bulb was used as the heat source with a shutter to modulate the heat flux on the pyroelectric detector.白炽灯泡的被用来作为与快门调节热释电探测器上的热通量热源。

3.This mode, in which MFI can modulate the flapping parameters to adjust the force and torque, offers a means of control of the MFI.设计了一种当飞行器处于悬停状态时,翼的扑动模式,使得飞行器可以通过改变扑动参数的大小来调节扑动力。

4.A Transform operator can be used to modulate the result of the ForEach operation.可以使用Transform操作符来调节ForEach操作的结果。

5.After the bridge, we are led into the last set of choruses, where we modulate suddenly and the whole song jumps up a major third in key.在这个桥段后,我们来到了最后一组副歌,此时忽然出现变调,整首歌提升了一个降三小度音阶。

6.Whether any additional components in beer or wine would modulate the effect of the pure alcohol is something that I cannot tell for sure.是否有啤酒或葡萄酒的其它成分会调节纯酒精的效应,我不能很明确的回答这个问题。

7."It means maybe if you modulate formate metabopsm you can modulate blood pressure, " he said.“这意味着如果你能调节甲酸代谢,你也就能调节你的血压,”他说。

8.( From MOdulate - DEModulate ) a communications device used to connect computers by a telephone pne .(从调制解调器)通过电话线和电脑相连的通讯方式。

9.This book addresses the interactions and interrelationships between tumor and host that modulate progression and metastasis.这书位址那些相互作用和相互关系在之间瘤和调节前进和新陈代谢的主人。

10.The speaker had a really noble voice, which he could modulate with great skill.这位演讲者的嗓音实在很好,他能以极高的技巧调节声调。