


网络释义:浮动车(Floating Car Data);浮动车数据;纤维性骨皮质缺损(fibrous cortical defect)


1.浮动车(Floating Car Data)  掌城实时路况数据采用浮动车FCD)的实时路况数据采集、定点数据采集、FCD数据处理、实时路况发布技术,形成了实时 …

2.浮动车数据基于浮动车数据FCD)的道路车速估计系统开发(CLJ01)对城市出租车上GPS提供的原始定位信息进行后续加工处理,不 …

3.纤维性骨皮质缺损(fibrous cortical defect)纤维性骨皮质缺损fcd)位于皮质内,该病例侵犯髓腔,有软骨柱有钙化,有马德隆氏畸形,考虑软骨瘤病比较客观。 临池十 …

4.Flash Component Division我们FCDFlash Component Division)部门的前身是SandForce,做出了业界顶尖的SSD控制芯片,去年底被LSI收购,上个 …


1.the sample size of probe cars can be reduced when FCD are used to evaluate traffic conditions in arterial roads.用浮动车数据判别高等级道路的交通状态,可适当降低样本容量。

2.Objective To improve abipty of the imaging diagnosis and differentiation of fibrous cortical defect of bone (FCD).目的提高对纤维性骨皮质缺损的影像诊断和鉴别诊断能力。

3.Then a multiple COTS selection process was proposed based on extension of a proven system decomposition technique named FCD.对一种成熟的系统分解方法FCD进行扩展,提出了一种针对多构件进行评估和选择的方法。

4.the results were very impressive . there is an argument for transposing the passing of the mca and the fcd if you wish.实验结果是非常不错。如果你愿意,可以把攻击中场和拖后前锋的传球方式适当互相换一下,但是这里有争议。

5.Conclusion X-ray and CT can accurately diagnose FCD, while CT scan is superior to X-ray in displaying the lesions.结论X线和CT对纤维性骨皮质缺损能进行准确诊断,但CT比平片更有价值。

6.Maintain CM ship commitment and the FCD date in SAP在SAP系统中维护合同制造商承诺与

7.Multiple COTS selection process based on extension to FCD基于FCD扩展的多构件选择过程