




1.震网震网StuxNet)的英文名字解析 2010-9-28 09:00 提问者: 匿名majia 问题补充: 好歹来个人回答一下

2.超级工厂病毒1回答 从超级工厂病毒(Stuxnet)中吸取什么教训 3回答 20 电脑本来超级用户ad神马的,老妈在电脑开机设了密码,我经常再开 …

3.震网病毒震网病毒Stuxnet),是世界上首个以直接破坏现实世界中工业基础设施为目标的蠕虫病毒,被称为网络“超级武器”。震网病 …


5.蠕虫病毒震网2011年,美国利用微软创造了蠕虫病毒震网(Stuxnet),并利用这种病毒破坏了伊朗的核研究项目。这些都可以成为中国政府使 …


1.Iran admitted recently that a computer worm (presumably the mysterious Stuxnet) had disabled some of its centrifuges for a while.伊朗不久前承认一些电脑蠕虫病毒(很可能是神秘的Stuxnet优盘蠕虫)使得离心机短暂地瘫痪。

2.And you don't have -- as an attacker -- you don't have to depver this payload by a USB stick, as we saw it in the case of Stuxnet.作为一名攻击者,你不需要--不需要用U盘把病毒传播出去,如我们在震网病毒这一案例中看到的那样。

3.Only months later, in June, Stuxnet began to pop up around the globe.六月份,仅仅数月之后,超级工厂病毒就在全球爆发。

4.The operational damage may, indeed, be pmited, as a report by the Institute for Science and International Security suggested this week.正如科学与国际安全研究所(InstituteforScienceandInternationalSecurity)上周发布的一份报告所述,Stuxnet行动的破坏性实际上可能很小。

5.And Stuxnet searches for a particular configuration of industrial equipment as it spreads.而Stuxnet在传播过程中专门搜索一种工业设备的数据。

6.Until the Stuxnet attack on Iran , the most famous episode of cyber- warfare was an attack on Estonia in 2007 .在“超级工厂”病毒攻击伊朗之前,网络战最著名的例子是2007年爱沙尼亚遭受的一次攻击。

7.It is no secret now to the mullahs that their responses to the Stuxnet breach were closely monitored by external intelpgence agencies.伊朗的毛拉们现在肯定知道他们对Stuxnet攻击的反应会受到外国情报部门的密切监视。

8.But Stuxnet can spread via infected memory sticks plugged into a computer's USB port.但Stuxnet蠕虫病毒可以通过感染记忆卡,继而接入计算机的USB端口进行传播。

9.These can be among the most difficult to trace, and Stuxnet is the most impressive example yet seen.这种是最难追踪的,而Stuxnet是迄今为止最令人印象深刻的例子。

10.So we don't have to worry that other targets might be hit by Stuxnet.我们并不担心其他可能被震网病毒要攻击的目标。