


网络释义:先来先服务(First Come First Service);先来先服务算法(First Come First Served);先服务(First Come First Serve)


1.先来先服务(First Come First Service) ... bool CProcess::isEmpty 判断是否为空 void CProcess::FCFS 先到先服务 void CProcess::SJF 短进程(作业)优先 ...

5.先来先服务调度算法试计算采用先来先服务调度算法(FCFS)和最短作业优先调度算法(SJF)时的平均周转时间和平均带权周转时间,并指出它们的调 …

6.先来先服务磁盘调度算法问:为完成上述请求,使用先来先服务磁盘调度算法FCFS)时,磁头移动的总量是多少?(要求写出分析过程)说明:本模 …


1.FCFS algorithm for each queue from ready to select a first cohort to enter the process, which the allocation of CPU, to make it run.FCFS算法每次从就绪队列中选择一个最先进入该队列的进程,为之分配CPU,使之运行。

2.The ACA for the ASP is proved to be better than FCFS, which can decrease the make span of landing airplanes by 14%.结果表明,ASP蚁群算法优于FCFS调度方法,可以使着陆队列完成时间减少约14%。

3.At last, it is proved th is arithmetic could overcome th ed disadvantage of FCFS in delay equity and partition service.最后,证明了该算法在克服FCFS算法在延迟公平和服务请求大小区分方面不足的有效性。

4.Budget of project should not be more than $50 and is on the basis of FCFS.项目预算不得超过50美元,就先来先服务的基础是。

5.FCFS transaction schedules is appped in the database to reapze the real-time transaction schedules of the mass data;运用先进先服务为主的事务调度策略,实现了海量数据管理的实时事务调度;

6.A model of system simulation based on FCFS queue dispatching method for multiprocessor system一种基于FCFS调度策略的多处理机系统的仿真模型