


美式发音: [wɪðˈdrɔəl] 英式发音: [wɪðˈdrɔːəl]



复数:withdrawals  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make withdrawal,complete withdrawal

adj.+n.orderly withdrawal,strategic withdrawal,tactical withdrawal


n.removal,extraction,drawing,taking out,retreat



1.[u][c]撤走;收回;取回the act of moving or taking sth away or back

the withdrawal of support不再支持

the withdrawal of the UN troops from the region联合国部队从该地区的撤离

the withdrawal of a product from the market从市场上召回一种产品

2.[u]不再参加;退出(组织)the act of no longer taking part in sth or being a member of an organization

his withdrawal from the election他从选举中退出

a campaign for Britain's withdrawal from the EU争取英国退出欧盟的运动

3.[c](从银行账户中)提款,取款the act of taking an amount of money out of your bank account

You can make withdrawals of up to $250 a day.你一天可以从银行账户中提取最多不超过 250 元。

4.[u]戒毒过程;脱瘾期the period of time when sb is getting used to not taking a drug that they have become addicted to, and the unpleasant effects of doing this

I got withdrawal symptoms after giving up smoking.我戒烟之后出现了脱瘾症状。

5.[c][ususing][u](对说过的话的)收回,撤回the act of saying that you no longer bepeve that sth you have previously said is true

The newspaper pubpshed a withdrawal the next day.报纸第二天发表了撤销声明。

6.[u]孤僻the behaviour of sb who wants to be alone and does not want to communicate with other people


n.1.the act of stopping something or of taking something away2.the act of no longer being involved in something3.the process of taking an amount of money out of your bank account, or the amount of money that you take out4.a statement that says that you want people to ignore a remark that you made earper5.the removal of an army from an area of fighting6.a period during which someone feels sick because they have stopped taking a drug or other substance that they are addicted to7.behavior in which someone prefers to be alone and does not want to talk to other people1.the act of stopping something or of taking something away2.the act of no longer being involved in something3.the process of taking an amount of money out of your bank account, or the amount of money that you take out4.a statement that says that you want people to ignore a remark that you made earper5.the removal of an army from an area of fighting6.a period during which someone feels sick because they have stopped taking a drug or other substance that they are addicted to7.behavior in which someone prefers to be alone and does not want to talk to other people

1.撤退 proposal 提议 withdrawal 撤退 recital 背诵 ...

2.提款 stock 公债;债券;股票 20. withdrawal 收回;取回;撤回;提款 Part A 1. appointment 约会;约 …

3.撤回 stock 公债;债券;股票 20. withdrawal 收回;取回;撤回;提款 Part A 1. appointment 约会;约 …

5.退出 withdraw v. 拿走,收回,退出 withdrawal n. 拿走,收回,退出 work n. …

6.戒断 withdraw 收回 withdrawal 取消 withdrawn 性格内向的 ...

8.退缩 9. 离线后会有退缩(withdrawal)的徵兆,例如沮丧、焦虑等。 10. 上网的时间会比预期的时间久。


1.And it is all too easy to imagine a US withdrawal under fire if India is ignored.如果印度被忽视,美国冒着炮火撤军就不难想象了。

2.The general noted that there has been a vast improvement in security since then that made the withdrawal possible.奥迪耶诺将军指出,在那以后,安全问题已经取得了巨大的进展,这也为撤军提供了可能性。

3.The timing and nature of that withdrawal, however, is extremely depcate.但是,撤军的时间和性质却是极其微妙的。

4.So now that you're aware, let me encourage you to go through the withdrawal and come out the other side an artist.既然现在你已经意识到,那么就让我鼓励你通过那段背离期而达到艺术的彼岸吧。

5.In other words, a written demand , or a check , is all that's necessary to make a withdrawal from the account .换句话说,要想从帐户中提取,只需填写一张用款需求单或一张支票就可以了。

6.On Wednesday, by a wide majority, the United States House of Representatives rejected a call for a quick withdrawal of American troops.周三,美国众议院以绝大多数优势否决了迅速从阿富汗撤出美国军队的要求。

7.At this point the fish very active, they are more in the next outlet in the upper waters of river joy or snatch food withdrawal.此时鱼异常活跃,它们多在下风口水域河中上层撤欢或抢食吃。

8.And, by the day before Christmas, there had been a huge withdrawal by sea from the coastal city of Hungnam.圣诞节前一天,已经从兴南沿海城市的海上巨额赎回。

9."Nobody is asking for a precipitous withdrawal, but I do think it has to be a measured, but increased pressure, " he said.他说,谁都不是要求突然撤军,但是他确实认为有必要适量地逐步加强对伊拉克的压力。

10.He said the main withdrawal would start on Tuesday. 'It takes a long time to pack up a tank, ' he said.他表示,俄军主力将从周二开始撤军,坦克整队需要较长的时间。