


美式发音: [.ef 'si] 英式发音: [.ef 'siː]


英文单词:光纤通道(Fibre Channel);红白机(Family Computer);任天堂




1.足球俱乐部football club

Liverpool FC利物浦足球俱乐部

abbr.1.(=football club)足球俱乐部2.(=franc)3.(=fire control)消防;【军】实施射出;射击指挥;火力控制;(用电子仪器等进行的)射击控制4.【物】(=foot-candle)英尺烛光5.(=free church)独立教会6.【军】〈美〉(=Fighter Command)战斗机指挥部1.(=football club)足球俱乐部2.(=franc)3.(=fire control)消防;【军】实施射出;射击指挥;火力控制;(用电子仪器等进行的)射击控制4.【物】(=foot-candle)英尺烛光5.(=free church)独立教会6.【军】〈美〉(=Fighter Command)战斗机指挥部

abbr.1.(=football club)2.(=franc)3.(=fire control)4.[Physics](=foot-candle)5.(=free church)6.[Military]<AmE>(=Fighter Command)1.(=football club)2.(=franc)3.(=fire control)4.[Physics](=foot-candle)5.(=free church)6.[Military]<AmE>(=Fighter Command)

1.光纤通道(Fibre Channel) 回 报 (ROI).当前的 SAN 实施要求围绕光纤通道 (FC)网络技术构建新的架构,因此,许多 IT 部 门开始考虑, 在他们的整 个存储 …

2.红白机(Family Computer)从红白机FC)一直到现在的次世代,全部沿袭这一传统。有什么特别的讲究吗,左手对应右脑,更适合控制方向???



5.尺烛光一尺烛光 (Fc) 是与光强为一烛光的灯垂直距离 1 英尺处,面积为 1 平方英尺的表面上接受的照度。 操作 1. 按 ? 按钮启动或关 …


1.FC: Critics were very good throughout Europe, and that was one of the best rewards for the team.Fc:整个欧洲来说对游戏的评价非常不错,当然这也是对我们开发团队的一个最好的奖励。

2.The end of FC drives might seem like a very ordinary technology transition, but something very out of the ordinary is occurring.FC驱动器的结束看上去就像是普通的技术过渡,但其实发生了一些不平常的事情。

3.In monkeys, the stem might not have bound to cells or might have latched on in a manner that did not trigger a response.在猴子体内,抗体的Fc区域可能并不会黏附在细胞上,或是即使黏附在细胞上也无法启动免疫反应。

4.FC rules of the game than the also simple, the player control of the side tanks, the enemy tanks can be completely destroyed.游戏规则比FC上的还简单,玩家控制本方坦克,将敌方坦克统统击毁即可。

5.The chest advertisement of FC Barcelona has never been a company, instead, it has been the UNICF, world's Children Foundation.巴萨胸前的广告,从来不是某个公司的,一直是世界儿童组织基金会的。

6.To report to FC on changes in departmental establishments shown in the draft Estimates and on the size and cost of the civil service.就更改预算草案所开列的部门人事编制,以及公务员的人数和开支等事宜,向财务委员会报告。

7.Thanks to the support of the Liverpool FC Community Coaches we're able to provide the kids with an unforgettable opportunity.感谢利物浦教练们的支持,我们给了孩子们一段无法忘怀的经历。

8.It would be a terrific move for Portsmouth FC and a real coup.而这也会哐当一声,成为朴茨茅斯的一次恐怖转会。

9.FC Barcelona are a much more recent phenomenon, even though the current team are arguably one of the best teams ever in world history.即使现在的巴塞罗那被争议的当作可能是世界历史上最完美的球队,此刻的他们看起来不过更像是一个现象而已。

10.This expansion onto the Asian continent will be able to make the most out of a new strategic partnership with Chelsea FC.这次向亚洲大陆的扩展,将可以充分利用与切尔西足球俱乐部新近发展的策略性合作关系。