


英文单词:微生物燃料电池(microbial fuel cell);基础类库(microsoft foundation class);质量流量控制器(mass flow controller)


1.微生物燃料电池(microbial fuel cell) : 以厌氧活性污泥为菌源,乳酸钠为底物,考察影响微生物燃料电池(mfc)处理人工有机废水的主要因素及处理效果。

2.基础类库(microsoft foundation class)微软基础类库MFC)提供了对本地基于窗口的应用程序支持。MFC大大的减少了建立应用程序图形用户接口的工作量。

3.质量流量控制器(mass flow controller)体质量流量控制器MFC)和气体质量流量计(MFM)进行了全新的技术改造,在功能和性能上有了进一步的提高。

4.微软基础类(Microsoft Foundation Classes)对微软基础类(MFC)和组件对象模型(COM)有所了解 熟悉活动模板库(ATL) 安装了微软的因特网探索者(IE)6.0或者更高版本 开 …


1.Because ASSERT statements are commented out in a release build of an MFC program, the code does not run in a release build.因为ASSERT语句在MFC程序的发布版本中被注释掉了,该代码在发布版本中不会运行。

2.Once you create a Windows Forms control, you can host it in an MFC application just as with an ActiveX control.一旦创建了Windows窗体控件,即可按与ActiveX控件完全相同的方式在MFC应用程序上承载它。

3.During each of the operations mentioned at the beginning of this topic, MFC needs to search for a desired value or object.在本主题的开头提到的每个操作期间,MFC都需要搜索所需的值或对象。

4.MFC is actually quite a bit more than just a GUI toolkit , and uses a mixture of paradigms .MFC实际上不只是GUI工具箱,它还使用各种范例的混合。

5.Examine the MFC code that your time- critical code uses to see if it meets your performance requirements .检查时间关键代码使用的MFC代码,查看它是否满足性能要求。

6.If you look through the code that MFC uses, you may see that you can write something more specific to your scenario to improve performance.如果浏览MFC使用的代码,可能会明白可编写一些更特定于方案的东西以提高性能。

7.If you did not select ActiveX controls when you created the MFC project, you need to call CoInitialize and CoUninitialize in your main code.如果在创建MFC项目时未选择“ActiveX控件”,则需要在主代码中调用CoInitialize和CoUninitialize。

8.While this option increases the size of your program , you do not need to redistribute the MFC DLL with this type of project .虽然此选项会增加程序的大小,但不必将MFCDLL与此项目类型一起重新分布。

9.This option reduces the disk and memory requirements of your program if it is composed of multiple execution files that use the MFC library.如果程序由多个使用MFC库的执行文件组成,则此选项可降低程序的磁盘和内存需求。

10.Use this code wizard to add a class to an existing MFC project, or to add a class to an ATL project that supports MFC.使用此代码向导将类添加到现有的MFC项目,或将类添加到支持MFC的ATL项目。