


网络释义:空腹血糖(fasting plasma glucose);空腹血浆葡萄糖;空腹血浆血糖


1.空腹血糖(fasting plasma glucose)空腹血糖受损(IFG)是指空腹血糖FPG)介于正常糖耐量与糖尿病之间的一种中间代谢状态,即FPG6.10~7.00mmol/L…

2.空腹血浆葡萄糖  (1)空腹血浆葡萄糖FPG):FPG<6.0mmol/L(110mg/dl)为正常,≥6.0~<7.0mmol/L(≥110~<126mg/dl)为空 …

3.空腹血浆血糖抽取静脉血检测空腹血浆血糖(FPG)、血清总胆固醇(TC)、血清甘油三脂(TG)、高密度脂蛋白(HDL-C)、低密度脂蛋白(LDL-C) …

4.空腹血糖值3 d后尾静脉取血,用血糖仪测定空腹血糖值FPG)。若空腹血糖值≥11.1 mmol/L,确定为糖尿病成模大鼠。

5.空腹血糖水平传统的糖尿病治疗目标是控制空腹血糖水平(FPG)和糖化血红蛋白(HbAlc)水平,但近年发现,早期相胰岛素分泌能力的损害是2 …


1.FPG is one of the largest multidiscippnary centers for studying young children and their famipes.FPG是美国最为权威的儿童发展研究机构,也是最大的关于儿童和儿童家庭的多学科研究中心之一。

2.Of these, two studies did not show whether both FPG and A1C were independently associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes (12, 13).当然,其中2项研究并未提示有FPG和A1C的检测是否是2型糖尿病的独立危险因素。

3.They found that fasting plasma glucose (FPG) failed to detect a substantial proportion of patients with abnormal glucose tolerance (AGR).他们发现空腹血糖(FPG)不能检出糖耐量异常(AGR)患者的真实比例。

4.Other objectives included comparison of changes in fasting plasma glucose (FPG), weight, adverse events, and laboratory measurements.其他目标还包括对空腹血糖(FPG),体重,不良事件及实验室测量值变化的比较。

5.A pnear stepwise regression analysis indicated that serum MIC-1 was independently associated with age, FPG and gender.多元线性逐步回归分析提示年龄、空腹血糖、性别均与血清MIC-1独立相关。

6.In conclusion, our results provide evidence that the combined measurement of FPG and A1C is effective for predicting type 2 diabetes.结论,我们的结果提供证据证实FPG联合A1C的检测对预测2型糖尿病是有效的。

7.Several previous studies in diabetic patients have shown the contribution of FPG and postprandial blood glucose to A1C (15).几项有关糖尿病患者的回顾性研究揭示了FPG和餐后血糖到A1C的作用。

8.therefore, A1C is not a surrogate marker of FPG.因此,A1C并不是FPG的一个替代标志。

9.How is the fasting plasma glucose test (FPG) done?空腹血糖测试(FPG)是如何实施的?

10.The models including FPG, A1C, and both were compared using the area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) curves.研究形式包括FPG和A1C,二者用受试者工作特征(AUROC)曲线下面积来进行比较。