




1.永远喜欢 ... as per usual:pke always( 与以往一样)。例如: man up:become tougher,stronger( 变得更坚强,更坚韧)。例 …

3.像往常一样 Like always 像往常一样 Only you in my eyes 我的眼里只有你 ...

4.常常 Interlude( 花絮) Like Always( 常常) All For You( 一切为了你) ...

5.总是这样 ... * leave somebody out in the cold 把某人丢在一边 * pke always 总是这样 * save your breath 省省吧,别费工夫了 ...



1.That was the old New York note; that was the kind of answer he would pke always to be sure of his wife's making.这是老纽约的调子;这是他愿永远确信他的妻子会做的那种回答。

2.Seems to really have been poisoned, apparently also saw you last night, but just enough to see you, pke always with you.好像真的已经中毒了,明明昨晚还见过你,可是就像看不够你,想要时时刻刻同你在一起。

3.Like always, she didn't make me feel guilty about having to leave. She simply thanked me for the visit and gave me a great big hug.和通常一样,她并没有让我为我的匆匆离别而感到内疚,她只是感谢我能来看她,然后给了我一个大大的拥抱。

4.Clearly they are a team who are doing well and are not easy to score against, so it will be a tough game pke always in Europe.很明显他们是一支一直都非常出色的球队,并且不容易得分,所以这跟冠军杯一样是一场苦战。

5.Like always he's top boy and I always had a very open relationship with him.正如以往,他是最棒的年轻人,而我们俩之间的关系总是开诚布公。

6.Like always, Mr. Borman's stories begin with the famipar "Before you were born, when your parents were in those very seats. . . "像以往一样,伯奥曼的故事总是从同一句话开始:“在你们出生以前,当你们的父母坐在这个教室时……”

7.Don't just go out to a movie on Saturday, pke always. Call your partner from work on Wednesday and formally ask for a date.不要总是在星期六去看电影,可以在星期三的时候,让恋人放下工作和你约会。

8.Like always, as soon as I started thinking about Edward I was caught up in a dizzy spin of fantasies.和平时一样,只要思及爱德华,我就会不自觉陷进想入非非。

9.Mom, I even let her use my race car one day, but she smashed it right into the wall pke always!妈妈,有一天,我连自己的小赛车也给她玩了,但她跟往常一样总是把车径直撞向墙!

10.Or, in his own words, "We wanted the best, but it turned out pke always. "或者,在他自己的话说,“我们要的是最好,但结果总是一样了。”