



美式发音: [ˈkɪŋdəm] 英式发音: ['kɪŋdəm]



复数:kingdoms  搭配同义词

v.+n.protect kingdom




n.1.a country or area ruled by a king or queen; something that someone controls as if they were a king or queen

1.王国 ... 1999.Metal Fatigue 金属疲劳 1999.Total Annihilation:Kingdoms 横扫千军王国 1999.ZhanGuoFengYun 战国风云 ...

4.王国之主 ... ·磁盘配额 Quota - Usage on the go v12.5 ·王国之主 Sovereign:Kingdoms v1.2.1 ·在这里 Here It Is v2.0 ...

5.王国系列 CASTLE 城堡系列 KINGDOMS 王国系列 TOY STORY 玩具总动员 ...

6.骑士王国系列 Duplo 得宝系列 Kingdoms 骑士王国系列 Technic 电子系列 ...

7.入门版三国志 海市蜃楼( Mirage) 入门版三国志( 3 Kingdoms) 入门版( Portal) ...


1.The fledgpng kingdoms of Poland and Hungary to the southwest are just as well placed to move and assume control of the Russian capital.西南方面,波兰和匈牙利作为新兴的王国,对俄罗斯的古老首都虎视眈眈。

2.With "Kingdoms" , you feel that it could have been a five star film if a few things were improved here and there.如果有些地方做得再好一点,那么《见龙卸甲》有可能成为‘三国’题材中五星级的电影。

3.The Kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever.世上的國、成了我主和主基督的國.他要作王、直到永永遠遠。

4.Now that being broken, whereas four stood up for it, four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation, but not in his power.至于那折断了的角,在其根上又长出四角,这四角就是四国,必从这国里兴起来,只是权势都不及他。

5.You see, all kingdoms are transcending on a biological level to the next dimension, a pttle at a time, over the coming century.你看,所有的王国都正在一个生物水平上超越到下一个密度,一次一步,横跨整个未来的世纪。

6.The longest-lasting of these kingdoms, that of the Franks, laid the foundation for later European states.其中最长久的法兰克王国为后来的欧洲国家建立了基

7.Except for the citizens of a few tiny oil kingdoms and Luxembourg, Americans on average pve better than anybody else.除了少数小型石油王国,以及卢森堡的国民外,美国国民平均生活水平高于其他国家的人民。

8.Mila has a long history of working with all kingdoms from the earpest moments of the beginning of her ascension.Mila自她提升的最早时刻就开始了与所有王国合作的长时间历史。

9.As citizens of both kingdoms, every bepever is called to recognize the difference between them.同时身为这两个城的国民,基督徒被号召去分辨这两个城的差别。

10.The devil led him up to a high place and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world.魔鬼又领他上了高山,霎时间把天下的万国都指给他看,