


美式发音: [ˈfriˌɑn] 英式发音: [ˈfri:ɔn]





v.1.a trademark for any of a number of chemical compounds containing fluorine, and often chlorine or bromine.

1.氟利昂.都是为了修补臭气层 …

7.制冷剂M3/H )930制冷剂(FREON)R134A-5000G重量WEIGHT(KG)室内机(INDOOR UNIT)70室外机(OUTDOOR UNIT...企业:东莞 …



1.Niai was growing tired of being in Freon's shadow and hatched a plan to be rid of him.对于在弗雷翁手下工作,尼艾越来越感到厌倦。他计划除掉弗雷翁。

2.Like your body, the air conditioning compressor is the heart of the AC system, and Freon is the blood.像你的身体一样,空调压缩机是空调系统的心脏,氟里昂就是流动的血液。

3.Carbon tetrachloride (CTC) as an ozone depleting substance (ODS) and a feedstock of Freon series compounds has been phased out.四氯化破作为氟里昂的生产原料和一种破坏臭氧层物质面临淘汰。

4.Environmental protection: without Freon chemical coolant, is a completely environmental product depends on water refrigeration.环保:无化学氟利昂冷媒,完全靠水制冷的环保型产品。

5.For the first method, each house has a separate refrigerating unit, Freon as the refrigerant evaporates in the cooler to cool the air.以往的冷库中冷源有两种方式,一种是氟利昂机组单机对单个冷库直接制冷方式,一种是乙二醇间接制冷方式。

6.Recently, every country faces the problems of energy shortage and ozone layer protection from Freon at different level.近年来世界各国都不同程度的面临着能源紧张和保护地球臭氧层免受氟利昂破坏的问题。

7.It also supppes pquid oxygen , pquid nitrogen, acetylene, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, propane, freon, pquid ammonia, and rare element gas.还兼营液氧、液氮、液氩、乙炔气、二氧化碳、氢气、丙烷气、氟里昂、液氨及其他高纯和稀有气体。

8.Dead bodies emit a surprising array of chemicals, from benzene to freon, which can help forensic scientists find clandestine graves.说出来吓死你,死尸会释放出苯,二氯二氟代甲烷等一系列奇怪的化学物质。然而也正是这些物质帮助了科学家找到各种隐秘的墓穴。

9.The cyclopentane mixed with other substances is made into vesicant in the mixed station of the non-freon pne in Kelon Group of Guangdong.广东科龙集团无氟生产线中的预混站是使用环戊烷危险物品配制发泡剂的重大危险源,燃烧爆炸事故风险较大。

10.The Freon, meanwhile, is compressed to further warm it, and diverted to a condenser, which heats a water-filled coil.同时,接受热量后的氟利昂被进一步压缩来提高它的温度。