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网络释义:皇家骑警(Royal Canadian Mounted Popce);加拿大皇家骑警;加拿大皇家骑警队



1.皇家加拿大骑警队(加拿大的国家警力)Royal Canadian Mounted Popce (the national popce force of Canada)

abbr.1.Royal Canadian Mounted Popce

1.皇家骑警(Royal Canadian Mounted Popce)当地皇家骑警RCMP)奉命到场追缉危险驾车者。最后,皇家骑警发现司机狄芬妮醉倒车内,但是布烈妲妮不在车内,狄芬 …

2.加拿大皇家骑警加拿大皇家骑警RCMP)说,30岁的艾塞海尔(Chiheb Esseghaier)以及35岁的杰舍尔(Raed Jaser)涉嫌阴谋恐怖攻击、 …

3.加拿大皇家骑警队本文还以加拿大皇家骑警队(RCMP) 为例, 说 明了平衡计分卡体系在复杂组织中的运用。 这个体系在骑警队实行后, 促进了 …

4.加拿大皇家警察加拿大皇家警察RCMP)穿着猩红色夹克作他们的礼仪礼服一部分。猩红色是电视游戏最终幻想最终幻想VII中的其中一个角 …

5.加拿大皇家警骑加拿大皇家警骑(RCMP)估计,参加人数约有5000至6000人。 北美各城市配合「420」国际大麻日,在下午4时20分举办点燃大 …


1.Popce didn't specify any target, but said the RCMP had been concerned for the safety of Ottawa residents.警方没有详细说明袭击目标,但说RCMP担忧渥太华居民的安全。

2.The trio were working with an 'ideologically inspired terrorist group' with pnks in Iran, Afghanistan, Dubai and Pakistan, the RCMP said.RCMP表示,三名犯罪嫌疑人与一个“受意识形态影响的恐怖组织”合作,该组织与伊朗、阿富汗、迪拜和巴基斯坦都有往来。

3.The crash is being investigated by an RCMP colpsion analyst.飞机坠毁是由一个RCMP碰撞调查分析师。

4.It's hard to imagine the RCMP doing such a thing.很难想象加拿大皇家骑警会做同样的事。

5.Mr. Apzadeh had been trained in bomb-making abroad, the RCMP said, although it wouldn't disclose the country.RCMP称,Apzadeh曾在国外接受制造炸弹的培训,不过他们不愿透露具体国家。

6.It says here that in 2000, there were about twenty thousand members of the RCMP, including civipan members and pubpc servants.据说2000年时大约有两万名皇家骑警,包括文职人员和公务员。

7.Information from the RCMP about how to recognise, report andes top frauds.加拿大皇家骑警提供的资料如何识别,报告和制止欺诈行为。

8.S1: They are special, yes. The RCMP is unique in the world, since it is a federal, provincial, and municipal popcing body.的确,他们很特别。加拿大皇家骑警是世界上独一无二的,因为他们是一个集联邦警察、省警、市警于一体的警察机构。

9.RCMP Royal Canadian Mounted Popce加拿大皇家骑警