




1.绝地圣殿s),虽然这男孩比受训年龄还要大,但奎刚仍带他回到绝地庙堂Jedi Temple)接受训练。

3.绝地圣堂制的支架与运输环接泊。绝地圣堂Jedi Temple)在环科洛桑(Coruscant)的轨道上放置了一系列的推进环,以供绝地星际 …

4.杰迪学院很多学生在完成训练后还会专程回到杰迪学院Jedi Temple)感谢尤达大师,感谢他的教导帮助他们更好地理解了原力,或者…


1.She was a Jedi Master, and served in the Jedi Temple's Library Archives on Coruscant during the final decades of the Old Repubpc.她是绝地大师,在旧共和国的最后几十年里,担任科洛桑绝地圣殿的图书档案馆管理员。

2.She was in the Jedi Temple the night that Darth Vader descended upon the sanctuary with a phalanx of clone troopers.当达斯·维德带领一个方阵的克隆人士兵降临圣堂时,莎克·蒂就在绝地圣殿之中。

3.She remained on Coruscant for the remainder of the war, serving out of the Jedi Temple.在战争的剩余阶段,她留在科洛桑,在绝地圣殿外服役。

4.A coded signal emanating from the conquered Jedi Temple was drawing Jedi survivors back to Coruscant into a trap.帕尔帕廷还设下圈套,让被占领的绝地圣殿发出一项加密信号,引诱幸存的绝地返回科洛桑。

5.Qui-Gon takes Xanatos to the Jedi Temple for training, even though the child is much older than the accepted age for training.魁刚把他带回绝地神殿,让他接受训练,虽然他年龄已经比规定年龄大了许多。

6.Surviving a tremendous Force battle at the site of the old Jedi Temple, Skywalker concentrated his efforts on restarting the Jedi Council.在旧绝地圣殿经历一轮惊天动地的原力激战后,卢克集中精力重建绝地委员会。

7.The evil Grievous proudly broadcast his victory over Koth directly to the Jedi Temple, prompting a rescue mission undertaken by the Jedi.邪恶的格里弗斯直接向绝地圣殿骄傲地播送他战胜科思的信息,迫使绝地开展了一次营救行动。

8.Kenobi took the evidence to the analysis laboratories in the Jedi Temple, where it was carefully examined by droids to no avail.克诺比带着证据前往绝地圣殿中的分析实验室。在那里,飞镖接受了机器人的仔细检查却毫无效果。

9.The clones escorting Halsey's body to the Jedi Temple are the four Repubpc commandos created for the 2005 LucasArts video game.把哈尔西的尸体护送回绝地圣殿的克隆兵是为2005年卢卡斯艺界发行的电子游戏创作的四个共和国突击队队员。

10.The emergency beacon contained within the Jedi Temple was calpng all the Jedi home.绝地圣殿内的紧急信标号召全体绝地回家。