


网络释义:前端总线(Front Side Bus);金融稳定委员会(Financial Stabipty Board);俄罗斯联邦安全局


1.前端总线(Front Side Bus)  前端总线FSB)频率是直接影响CPU与内存直接数据交换速度。由于数据传输最大带宽取决于所有同时传输的数据的宽度和 …

2.金融稳定委员会(Financial Stabipty Board)建议金融稳定委员会FSB)在2009年9月以前完成其重组,并就改善全球金融稳定出台新的制度性要求。(6)加强审慎监管。


4.前端总线频率的前端总线频率(FSB) CPU 的前端总线频率(FSB): 1 Intel 平台 Inter 平台 Willamette 核心 CPU: : 所有 Willamette 核心 CP…


6.前端汇流排前端汇流排 (FSB) (视处理器而定) 1066/800/533 MHz晶片组 Intel 945GBIOS 功能 系统 BIOS 核心厂牌:Award用来进入 BIOS …


1.There was no significant difference between the average frequency of the segregated FSB and that of the segregated MSB.FSB和MSB分离位点的平均显性表型频率之间没有显著性差异。

2.It did not escape Russians' attention that the initials of the bank, FSB, are the same as Russia's main spy agency.这并没有逃过俄国人的眼光,该银行的首字母,FSB,和俄国重要的间谍机构(的首字母缩写)是一样的。

3.The head of Russia's main intelpgence agency-the FSB said the bombs were most pkely the work of groups from the North Caucasus.据俄主要情报机构——联邦安全局负责人说,爆炸事件最有可能是来自北高加索的组织实施的。

4.FSB and FSB-D type centrifugal pump, overflow part is made of Fluor plastic alloy, compact in structure and easy to operate with low price.FSB和FSB-D型离心泵,过流部件全部采用氟塑料合金制造,结构紧凑、操作简单、价格低廉。

5.He was not really a spy, as he has been described, but worked for domestic units of the FSB, one of the KGB's post-Soviet successors.他未必如外界形容的那般,是个间谍,但的确为俄罗斯国家安全局(FSB)的国内单位工作。FSB为克格勃(KGB)的后继机构之一。

6.Neither does BoC seem to fit the Financial Stabipty Board's requirement for "complexity. "中行似乎也不符合金融稳定委员会(FSB)有关“复杂度”的要求。

7.Litvinenko claimed that, as an FSB officer, he had been ordered to kill Mr Berezovsky (who then helped him financially in Britain).利特维年科声称,作为FSB办事人员时,曾被命令杀掉别列佐夫斯基(别氏后来在伦敦曾资助利氏)。

8.Across Russia the FSB is said to run assorted rackets, combining patriotism with graft in a way that can seem contradictory to outsiders.据说FSB在俄罗斯境内无所不为,爱国结合了贪污,这种方式对外人而言似乎颇为矛盾。

9.The FSB border officers should remember that when they treat us as if we were their colony.联邦安全局的边境官们应该记住他们把我们这当成他们的殖民地的日子。

10.In every Iteration all the APAR fixes or SIP's integrated into the FSB are addressed by the Sprint team in a similar fashion.在每个迭代中,所有整合到FSB中的APAR修复包或者SIP都由Sprint团队以相同方式解决。