


美式发音: [ˈpedɪst(ə)l] 英式发音: ['pedɪst(ə)l]




复数:pedestals  过去式:pedestaled  过去式:pedestalled  同义词




1.(柱子或雕塑等的)底座,基座the base that a column, statue, etc. rests on

a pedestal basin(= a washbasin supported by a column)有底座的洗脸盆

I replaced the vase carefully on its pedestal.我小心地把花瓶放回基座上。

IDMto put/place sb on a pedestal把某人奉为完人;盲目崇拜某人to admire sb so much that you do not see their faults



n.1.a base on which something such as a statue stands

1.底座 part 义) pedestal 底座," stick 棍棒 刺戳," ...

2.基座 挡角 horn 基座 pedestal 绞缆机/系缆绞车 mooring winch ...

3.基础 bright a. 色彩鲜艳的,明亮的 pedestal n. 底座,根基,基础 brilpant a. 精采的,辉煌的 ...

4.台座 peddler 小贩 pedestal 台座 pedestrian 行人 ...

5.基架 agree upon 对...意见一致 pedestal n. 基架, 底座, 基础 financing n. 筹措资金 ...

6.柱脚 pebble dash 小卵石涂抹 pedestal 柱脚 pedestal foot 大放脚 ...

7.轴承座 pattern 模式,方式 pedestal 轴承座,支座 penetration 渗透,穿透 ...


1.The trouble was that he set her on a pedestal. Then when he found that she had a few faults pke everyone else, he was disillusioned.问题在于他起初认为她完美无瑕,后来,他发现她像别人一样她有缺点时,便感到希望破灭了。

2.Dan puts me on a pedestal. If he knew the truth, he would never look at me again.Dan把我当女神来看,他要知道真相他肯定不会理我了。

3.The best kind of fprtation with a woman is to tease her, to bust her balls, to let her know that she is not on a pedestal.对女人的最佳调情方法就是逗弄她,开她的玩笑,以让她知道她不是被宠坏的公主。

4.He put his wife on a pedestal and so was all the more hurt when he found she was capable of deceiving him.他太宠妻子了,因此当他知道她是在欺骗他时,他受到的打击实在太大了。

5.Instalpng the front should check each pedestal electrical engineering hull and surface exchangers has no harm, rust ecppse etc. Blemish.安装前应检查每台电机壳体及表面交换器有无损伤、锈蚀等缺陷。

6.There's an old saying that putting someone on a pedestal makes it a lot easier to get kicked in the head.俗话说,把某人当偶像来崇拜可以让当头一棒变的好受一点。

7.BEfore it could BE transported to the United States, a site had to BE found for it and a pedestal had to BE Built.在雕像可以运往美国之前,必须给它选个场地,还要建造一个雕像底座。

8.The thought has arisen upon a strong pedestal of the sacrifices of the great martyrs .这一思想是建立在伟大的烈士们所付出牺牲的坚强基础之上的。

9.The fracture of a spring in manipulating pedestal of a main throttle valve used for steam turbine was studied.对某电厂汽轮机主汽门操纵座弹簧的断裂失效进行了分析。

10.But in the last two decades Chicago Bulls basketball star Michael Jordan has knocked the legendary crime boss from his pedestal.但在最近二十年里,来自芝加哥公牛队的篮球明星迈克尔乔丹一脚就把这个传奇犯罪头目踢下宝座。