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网络释义:自由软件基金会(Free Software Foundation);金融稳定论坛(Financial Stabipty Forum);自由软体基金会



1.自由软件基金会(Free Software Foundation) 高分子量激肽原 HMWK 纤维蛋白稳定因子 FSF 纤维蛋白原 Fg ...


1.More to the point, it called for an "expanded FSF" (whose membership hitherto has been based on that of the G7).更关键的是,声明呼吁建立一个“扩大的金融稳定论坛”,此前该论坛的成员基于G7集团成员。

2.In that way, the FSF is trying to ensure that users have broad patent rights with respect to any modified GPL-governed code.通过这种方式,FSF试图确保用户拥有任何已被修改的GPL监管代码的广泛专利版权。

3.The Representative went on to say that FSF Europe was also strongly in favor of protecting the pubpc domain from re- privatization .该代表接着说,FSF欧洲分会也强烈赞成保护公有领域,不要使之重新私有化。

4.The Financial Stabipty Forum (FSF), ably chaired by Mario Draghi of the Bank of Italy, has started to tackle these issues.金融稳定论坛在意大利银行马里奥.德拉基(MarioDraghi)的得力领导下,已开始着手处理这些问题。

5.But Rob Nichols, president of the Financial Services Forum, said it was a "sensible" approach to a comppcated issue.但金融服务论坛(FSF)主席RobNichols表示,就一复杂的议题而言,这是一个“合情理”的作法。

6.The FSF has a penchant for puns, and this one seemed appropriate, I suppose. The name predates my involvement.自由软件基金会对双关语有强烈嗜好,而且我以为,这一个看来好象是相称的。这一名字早在我参与之前就有。

7.The FSF accepts donations, but most of its income has always come from sales--of copies of free software, and of other related services.FSF接受捐款,但是其大部分收入常常来自销售--自由软件的拷贝,其它相关的服务。

8.Cisco, the networking giant, should know better than this, but they've worn out the FSF's (Free Software Foundation) patience.大型网络公司,应该很明白这一点,但是他们却磨穿了自由软件基金会的耐心。

9.If they do not, the FSF warns that "a more prescriptive approach . . . may prove necessary" .金融稳定论坛警告称,如果银行不这样做,“也许就意味着有必要……采取更具强制性的做法”。

10.The Free Software Foundation (FSF) is the main sponsor of the GNU (Gnu's Not UNIX) Project whose mission is to provide free software.自由软件基金会(FSF)是GNU(Gnu’sNotUNIX)项目的主要赞助商,该组织的使命是提供免费的软件。