


美式发音: [deɪm] 英式发音: [deɪm]






1.女爵士(英国授予有贡献的女性的荣誉称号)(in Britain) a title given to a woman as a special honour because of the work she has done

Dame Maggie Smith玛吉 ) 史密斯女爵士

2.(informal)女人a woman

n.1.太太,夫人;〈美口〉妇女;少女2.〈英〉(knight 或 baronet 的)夫人3.〈古,诗〉贵妇人;〈古〉主妇;〈古〉(私塾的)女教师4.(英国 Eton 公学的)舍监1.太太,夫人;〈美口〉妇女;少女2.〈英〉(knight 或 baronet 的)夫人3.〈古,诗〉贵妇人;〈古〉主妇;〈古〉(私塾的)女教师4.(英国 Eton 公学的)舍监

n.1.a woman. It is sometimes used in a humorous way, but many women find it offensive.2网站屏蔽ed in front of the name of a woman who has been given a special honor by the British government; someone who has this title3.a man dressed as an old woman who performs in a Christmas pantomime show

1.女爵士 Notre 法语中的“我们的” Dame 夫人 Paris 巴黎 ...

3.贵妇人 damage 损害 dame 贵妇人 damn 咒骂 ...

4.女人 lusty adj . 健壮的 dame n. 女人 tucked-up a. 束起来的 ...

5.妇女 Shoula 寿星老 Dame: 妇女,美女 Ju ren tang zhi: 居仁堂制 ...

6.少女 Dearshare 分享可爱与甜美 Dame 少女 Shine 阳光 ...


1.However, it was that same entrepreneurial fearlessness that Abraham used to launch his trading career that last semester at Notre Dame.正是这种企业家的无畏精神让亚伯拉罕在圣母大学最后一个学期开始了交易生涯。

2.Apparently, he was lured away to another meeting by his wife, Dame Patience, who is one of his closest advisers.很显然,他是被自己的妻子达姆•帕西恩斯(他亲密的顾问之一)诱使去参加另一个会面了。

3.Dame Quickly was the owner of an inn in Shakespeare's play Henry IV. She declared that she was an honest lady, and never reserved anything.P61)快嘴桂嫂是莎士比亚戏剧《亨利四世》中的酒店女老板,她在和别人吵架时说,自己是个老老实实的女人,从来不会藏头盖脸。

4."It was the old dame in the chimney-corner, at the house where you watched last night, " said the child.“就是昨天夜里你照看的那家的老太婆,她在屋角的炉灶那儿讲的,”那孩子说。

5.But the poor dame had reason to repent of her kindness: she and her husband both took the fever, and died within a few days of each other.但是这可怜的太太很有理由后悔她的善心,她和她丈夫都被传染了热病,在几天之内,两人便相继逝世了。

6.But it is quite different with Dame Quickly. She never concealed herself, and thus she was easy to understand.P61)但是快嘴桂嫂不同,她从不藏头盖脸,人们很容易认识她。

7.revealed she had turned down the offer of becoming a Dame of the British Empire because there is no British Empire.她还透露,她曾拒绝了大英帝国的爵士勋位,因为大英帝国已经不复存在了。

8.I knew it! I knew this dame was no good! but it's worse than i thought. she's the black widow! the leader of the slavers !我就知道!我就知道这个女人不是什么好东西!但是比我想的还坏!她就是那个黑寡妇!那些奴隶贩子的首领!

9.In the hours leading up to Obama's arrival, activists repeatedly marched on to Notre Dame's campus, where they were detained for trespass.奥巴马到达圣母院校园前数个小时,不断有示威人士闯入校园,但全部以非法侵入私人地方罪予以扣留。

10.In a game, a dame of fame finds out with shame that she has the same name as a lame beggar.在一次比赛中,一个很有名望的贵妇人羞耻地发现,他跟一个跛腿的乞丐同名。