


美式发音: [ˈhʊkər] 英式发音: [ˈhʊkə(r)]






1.(橄榄球并列争球时的)钩球队员the player in a rugby team, whose job is to pull the ball out of the scrum with his foot

2.(informal)卖淫者;妓女a prostitute


n.1.a prostitute

1.妓女 52 hang out (和朋友)出去消遣 53 hooker 妓女 56 jerk 粗蠢之人 ...

2.胡克 方头船 punt 旧船 hooker 龙舟 dragon boat ...

8.是妓女 (What’s up 的简化版) (hooker 是妓女) How’s it going? (较不正式) ...


1.Johnson, Dingee and a third soldier, Robert Hooker, were set up in a bunker at the top of the hill as the fight started.这场战斗开始时,约翰逊,迪丹吉和另一个士兵,罗伯特胡克,守在山顶上的一个地堡里。

2.A man asked a street hooker, "How much for the night? "一个男人问街边小姐:包夜多少钱?

3.However, Lee learned on this day that the Federal army was at Frederick, and that Hooker had been replaced by General Meade.然而就在当天,李将军获悉联邦军队此时正在弗里德里克,而且米德将军已经接替胡克,担任北军统帅。

4.A hooker's death, all the children cried and attended her funeral, a school lowered the national flag half mast for her.一个妓女死了,所有的孩子哭着参加了她的追悼会,学校的国旗为她降了一半!

5.You got pictures of him with a hooker. You blackmailed him.你拍下了他和妓女的照片,然后勒索他。

6.Jackson's men began to leave the next morning. Union soldiers watched as they marched away. General Hooker thought Lee was withdrawing.杰克逊的人马在第二天清晨开拔。在他们出发时,联盟军的士兵们监视着。胡克将军认为李正在撤退。

7.Everybody seems to be suffering since rooney and this hooker had their fun - everybody but those two.自从鲁尼和这个妓女嘿咻了之后,所有人看起来很痛苦,所有人。但除了这两人!

8.With the help of Kew Gardens - where Hooker's father was director - shipments of trees were to be sent to Ascension.在英国皇家植物园的帮助下-胡克的父亲是该植物园的主管-开始向阿森松岛发送树木。

9.On his wedding night in Las Vegas, he asked one of his handlers to get him a hooker.他在拉斯维加斯举行的婚礼当晚,让一个演出团队职员去给他搞个鸡。

10.You can't have sex with her! -Did you think I was a hooker?你不能上她你以为我是妓女?