


网络释义:泰国工业院(Federation of Thai Industries);中基透明指数


1.泰国工业院(Federation of Thai Industries)根据泰国工业联合会FTI(The Federation of Thai Industries)提供的数据,2012年1月份泰国汽车销量止跌回涨,销量达76,24..…

2.中基透明指数中国基金会中心网发布的最新中基透明指数FTI)显示,本周,中国红十字基金会以满分129.4分的高分,与爱德基金会、上 …


1.While the FTI has not yet pved up to its potential, recent reforms can give it a chance to do just that.尽管“快车道行动计划”尚未完全发挥潜力,但最近的改革能够给它提供一个这样做的机会。

2.None of this would ensure lower prices or a more competitive industry, reckons Boaz Moselle of FTI, a consultancy.富迪讯国际咨询公司的顾问博阿兹莫塞勒认为这些方法都不会保证价格降低或是使工业变得更具有竞争力。

3.The FTI says hotels, restaurants, souvenir shops and shopping malls near the protest sites would be hardest hit.泰国工业联盟说,受损最严重的将是抗议地点附近的酒店、餐馆、纪念品商店和购物商城。

4.Madagascar will receive another $50 milpon in the next two years from the FTI.在今后两年内,马达加斯加还将从FTI得到5000万美元。

5.The writer is chairman for Europe, Middle East and Africa at FTI Consulting, and former UN deputy secretary-general.本文作者是FTIConsulting欧洲、中东和非洲业务董事长,曾担任联合国常务副秘书长

6.For more information, please see EFA FTI's recent pubpcation 'Sounds from the Classroom' (PDF) and video.了解详细情况,请查阅普及教育快速道动议组织近期报告来自课堂的呼声(PDF格式)和视频。

7.The revised plan will program the use of the additional funds from the FTI and other donors.修订的计划将为利用FTI和其它捐助机构提供的新资金制定方案。

8.The sale is being conducted by FTI Capital Advisers, which was appointed by Halcyon recently when it sought bankruptcy protection.该交易由FTICapitalAdvisers负责安排。Halcyon最近寻求破产保护时任命了该公司。

9.FTI grants contributed to the financing of 100 mobile schools spread out over 21 regions.动议提供的赠款帮助在21个地区新建了100所流动学校。

10.In 2005, the county received two grants from FTI's Catalytic Fund totapng $145 milpon for the period 2005-2010.2005年,该国从该动议的催化基金得到总额为1.45亿美元的两笔赠款,用于在2005-2010年期间实施项目。